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Her eyes and her mind quickly recognized the situation and kept sending adrenaline through Kira's veins.

Kira woke up in a flash and, without having time to hesitate, realized what a dangerous situation she was in.

She jumped up and ran to the door.  Her head was still buzzing, but her body was working at full speed, as before.

She carefully opened the heavy metal door and fled, like a wild horse in danger.

Her legs carried her to a streak of light that could be seen on the ground.  In these dark hallways, there is light, a sign of life and freedom, or simply an exit.  We don't want to think in such a church-like way.

As she stood in the light, she looked up tensely.  Kira is afraid of heights, but climbing this ladder is the quickest way out.  The steps were rusty and old, and there was only a bent metal bar around them to secure them.

Her hands were shaking and her legs were shaking like crazy, but her determination overcame these reactions and feelings of fear.

She climbed slowly and carefully, without looking down.  She wanted to know how far away she was from the ground, but at the same time she wouldn't be afraid anymore.

The same questions kept running through her head: Was she doing the right thing?  Or was there a better way out?  Will she die?  Does ladder break in your head straight away?  Who knows how old and insecure she is!

But again and again she pulled you together and climbed several more steps.  At some point she reached the roof of the building.

Now she only had questions instead of fears: Where can she go down from the roof?  Is that possible?  Is she still being followed?  And what kind of building is that anyway?

With every step she became more afraid that she would be discovered or that she wouldn't be able to get down from the roof.  She won't use the ladder again, that's for sure!

Phew!  She was lucky!  At the end of the building was a large concrete staircase.  That was her salvation!

She ran down the stairs and into the middle of the city center, hopefully she won't be found there!

But as she looked around her surroundings, she quickly noticed that something was different.  All the people were dressed strangely, so colorful and eye-catching, not like usual, in simpler colors.

A woman had very messy hair and was wearing a neon jacket.  She had combined dark green trousers with wine-red shoes.

When Kira saw her, she was shocked.  "They all look like my mother did when she was 10, like in the old photos!" she stated.

She thought hard about what year she might be in.
"So my mother was born in 1974, so I'm in 1984!"

She quickly went over to a man and asked: "Excuse me, what date is it today?"

The man nodded and replied: "It's Wednesday, May 18th." "Thanks, but what year?"  "You should know that, it's 1985 of course!" the man said irritatingly.

Kira thanked them and walked away from the people.  "So my calculations were almost correct, but I was wrong by 1 year!"

Suddenly her eyes fell on a city map hanging on the yellow bus stop.  She set off, he was about 100 meters away.

When she was faced with the plan and tried to study it, she had the feeling that she was being followed.

She slowly turned around, but no one was in sight.  She didn't think anything of it, it was probably just her imagination!

Kira found an easy route to get to the Time Travelers' Wall.  Of course the street isn't called that, but there was this wall on Pilz Street, and Kira had remembered that.

She ran and ran until she stopped at a red light.  Suddenly she felt someone's warm breath on her neck.  The person stood right behind her and slowly hugged her.

Kira panicked and suddenly turned around.  She hit the person in the nose with her arm.

But she quickly felt sorry for this, because it was Paul.  He had traveled back in time especially for Kira to free her.

Kira was so happy to know at least one person in this huge and unknown city.

The two hugged and made their way to the wall.  Kira asked Paul at least a hundred times: "Are you okay?  I'm so sorry, I didn't want to meet you!  "

But she kept getting the same answer: "It's fine, it's just bleeding a little!"

Together they made it to headquarters.  They went to the green portal and Kira said goodbye to Paul.  He gave her a kiss on the cheek and watched her go.

When she got home, she collapsed onto her bed and fell asleep straight away.

The Ghosts in my House 1 (English)Where stories live. Discover now