He twitched the corner of his mouth impatiently, and casually smashed the vase on the table next to Squalo, with a hoarse voice, "It's so noisy."

"...bastard boss——!!"

Squalo was so skillful that XANXUS When it appeared, he reflexively avoided it. Sure enough, something hit him again, and he was so angry that his face turned ugly.

After the vase fell to the ground, porcelain pieces shattered on the ground. The sound was like a switch, and the noisy people fell silent for an instant.

XANXUS glanced at the people in the hall with uncertain eyes. He was expressionless at the moment, but people who knew him well knew that he was in a very bad mood at the moment. "There is a new mission." "It was

ordered by the ninth generation," XANXUS's tone even contained murderous intent, "Although I don't know if the brains of people like Vongola have been repaired, we are not vegetarians."

Hearing this, Squalo gradually frowned, "What mission? "

In the name of traitors, deal with Yun Shou and Yu Shou in Japan." XANXUS said.


Squalo was shocked and clenched his fists on the spot, "Damn——!"

As Vongola's assassination team, Varya only obeyed XANXUS's orders and had no relationship with Vongola. It’s not good, but when it comes to Vongola’s interests and survival, XANXUS will choose to help some members of Vongola.

"I will never admit that guy."

The tenth generation of airborne Bai Lan is extremely similar to their enemy Bai Lan of the Milufiore family, and the group of people in Vongola's headquarters seem to have been brainwashed. The same thing happened, and even the ninth generation recognized him.

XANXUS had a gloomy face, "So for this task, you are responsible for testing the attitude of Yunque and the others."

"Boss, I can help you solve your problems!" Levi, who appeared in time after smelling the smell of XANXUS, recommended himself with great respect.

Belphegor, who was staying in the room, also walked out with a knife in his hand, becoming more and more excited, "Hehehe, the prince wants to go too."

XANXUS narrowed his eyes, and then glanced at these people, "Squa Luo, you are responsible for leading the team, and you will consider the selection."

After saying that, XANXUS turned and left.

"In that case," Squalo's face darkened, he looked at Belphegor, Fran, and finally at Heli, who was silent at the side, "Go and get ready now, and then follow me."

[Scene: Japan, Tokyo, Namimori Town, has been generated. ]

There are not many residents in this small town with many traditional Japanese houses, so it is particularly peaceful, especially since it is protected by the Bingsheng Group and everyone lives and works in peace and contentment.

[Welcome to the game "The Godfather". 】

【Character drawing——】

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