39Culture 2023 Extra China

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Module Name: 39Culture 2023 Extra China

Real Name: Kyla Ki (the real name was TammyChan180's idea).

Nickname(s): Wafer

Date Of Birth: October 10, 2004

Age: 19

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Monkey

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 143 lbs.

Designer: N/A

Known Relationships/Family:

Rayner Tezich/Modeling Challenge! (boyfriend) (February 10, 2024)

Occupation: College student (she's currently a freshman)

Specific Song: N/A

Fun Facts:

- How did these friends first meet? Kyla was going to China for her yearly vacation, and she saw Samara and Callan at the airport. They were going on a vacation as well, but somewhere else. Kyla was very bored of waiting, so she decided she'd take a shot at talking to them. But because of the overbooked flight, she was forced to sit next to Rasha, which was mostly an awkward experience at first. Back home, Kyla got to know Lenox and Cari as she was in the park with her family while celebrating Chinese New Year that year.

- Out of all her friends, Kyla is the only one who is actually Chinese. But she never lived in China. She grew up in Negi Root City.

- Her parents were the ones who made these modules' outfits.

See you guys in the next chapter!

Basic Info About The Miku Modules Part 6Where stories live. Discover now