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☆ 49. Chapter 49font record

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Chapter 49 Cheng Jing tried to persuade again uncertainly, "We and Lao Yang's family are still related to each other at the root. It would be bad if things got serious, we would all be embarrassed..."


"I said ...Huh?" Cheng Jing wanted to say something more, but didn't stop for a moment. He thought he was drunk and asked, "What did you just say?"

Cheng Xiu looked at him, threw the cigarette butt in his hand to his feet and stepped on it. destroy.

"I said yes!"

Cheng Jing was stunned and wanted to slap his face. Why the hell did his brother who was the boss actually listen to the advice? Did he hear it right? He also wanted to confirm. Seeing Cheng Xiu's expressionless expression and fearing that he would be impatient after knowing his inner intentions, Cheng Jing did not dare to look too closely. It's just that my heart is still in a state of turmoil, which is even more uncomfortable than hearing him say something bad.

It was dark at night, and Cheng Jing was so drunk that he took a shower and fell asleep. Cheng Xiu went out at this time and called Huo Xun.

"Is there a technician there whose nickname is Yang Ermao?"

Huo Xun thought for a while, "There is such a person. Do you want to know what happened to him?"

"It's okay, just make sure."

Cheng Xiu hung up the phone after saying that. , which made Huo Xun inexplicable.

Cheng Xiang prepared a meal for Chu Xu. When Chu Xu came out from the shower, she took his clothes to wash.

There was no dust on the man's clothes. Cheng Xiang wiped them with soap and scrubbed them clean twice. Hanging on the balcony, she came in with an empty basin and saw Chu Xu leaning on the back of the chair and looking at her.

"What's wrong? It's not delicious?"

"No." Chu Xu said, "It's just that life like this is too rare." Cheng Xiang

also recalled her previous life. It seemed that when she was with Luo Junhao, he would never be busy with her. He focused his attention on her. There is no such feeling that I am very happy when I have you.

"It's rare? Maybe it's just a temporary novelty. Just don't let it be boring!"

She habitually poured cold water on it. Emotional things are temporary and cannot last long.

Chu Xu laughed when he heard this, "People, you have to enjoy yourself in time. While it's still early and you're in a good mood, acknowledge the happy things in your heart. Why do you have to make yourself so deep?"

"Am I deep?" Cheng Xiangchao Eyebrow, do not deny that you reject his point of view. She used to enjoy herself too much, which is why she did so many things she wanted to regret.

Chu Xu picked up his chopsticks and stopped talking. His girlfriend was not in a good mood. The more she talked, the more mistakes she made.

Seeing that the time was almost ten o'clock, Cheng Xiang looked at the man in pajamas who was leaning on the sofa watching TV and asked him: "Aren't you going back?" "

Going back to where?"

Chu Xu's frown made Cheng Xiang confused. I feel like I shouldn't have asked.

"Can't you see what I mean?" He curled his lips and smiled, showing his fangs. It’s really eye-catching.

✓The subversive life of a plane farmerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang