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☆ 76. Chapter 76

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Chapter 76:

People who didnt understand were enlightened when they heard what the uncle said.

"Oil seller, there are so many of us here, you can't get enough points from just one bottle?" "

You can add me on WeChat to place an order online." Cheng Xiang took out his mobile phone and asked them to scan the QR code. One by one, all the uncles and aunties held up their mobile phones to scan.

Unknown, he patted the people in front of him and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"A seller sells authentic pressed rapeseed oil. Add her WeChat account to go buy things from her." "

Oh? Why is it now popular to buy pressed rapeseed oil? "

You don't understand this, right? The pressing method physically extracts oil, which is safer than buying it from outside. There are a lot of salad oils on the market now, which are made from cottonseed, beans, bran, corn, etc., using organic solvents to extract oil. In terms of consumption, I feel that the blended oil is not as safe as the ancient pressed rapeseed oil. Although pressed oil has a lot of fumes, if you have children at home, it is better to eat farm oil. I happened to come across it today. I cant delay adding it on WeChat. What a big deal."

The aunts in the city were well-informed and did not recognize Cheng Xiangti's authentic pressed oil at first. After hearing confirmation from several experienced aunts and uncles, they immediately switched to buying it in their supermarket. Response speed for discounted items.

Cheng Xiang smiled happily as she listened to the constant requests for friends to add reminders on her phone.

However, there are still people in the park who wear armbands to manage things. A group of people gathered together and shouted at the top of their lungs: "What are you doing?"

Cheng Xiang was startled, and the natural reaction of the human body was a kind of fear. Emotions, but she adjusted quickly.

"You didn't do anything, uncle, you look so handsome!"

The uncle wearing the armband had a subtle expression, but he still deliberately kept his face serious and said to Cheng Xiang: "Don't do bad things. If you are caught by me, you will be sent to be investigated?"

"I'm not doing bad things. On the contrary, I'm doing good things. I'm teaching everyone how to recognize authentic pressed rapeseed oil, which is a positive and healthy activity." To put it bluntly, it

's just selling GG. How could the uncle not understand it? He opened his mouth and said: "Don't do it anymore, we're all gone."

"Let's just make friends and add WeChat as normal. How come we don't even care about this!" Several aunts were not afraid of her. They still held up their mobile phones and asked Cheng Xiang to release the QR code.

Cheng Xiang chuckled twice. Seeing that the uncle with the armband was not good-looking, he whispered: "If you are worried, you can also add me to see if I am a liar. You are serving the people and are at the forefront of the crowd. I admire you the most." The only person who is as handsome as you, uncle, and who cares about the people."

When she got down the stairs, the uncle glanced at her.

"If you don't tell me, I won't let go of any suspicious person under my eyes."

Cheng Xiang raised the phone, "Then scan it!"

After joining our camp of deception, as long as he can join, she can Let him become her potential client, no matter what purpose he had, her purpose was achieved anyway.

✓The subversive life of a plane farmerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz