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☆ 159. Chapter 159 Interracial Lovefont record

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Chapter 159: Interracial Love

took Chu’s father and mother over and chose the largest small house to live in.

The two old men talked about waste, but as soon as they entered the yard, they started to pick up things and get busy. They had different opinions on how to decorate the yard, and they bickered and tried to convince each other.

As soon as Chu's mother pulled out a small piece of grass, she shouted to Chu's father.

"Stop, how can you cross the road when the front is dug up? Once you step on it, your feet will be mud!"

Dad Chu said: "Just find rocks to pave the walkway. Why are you in a hurry?" "

Can I not be in a hurry? , On a rainy day, when you step on the stone, it will splash muddy water on your face."

Father Chu walked over with a sullen face, and firmly planted the newly dug place with a few feet.

After secretly glancing at the old man who was stomping hard on the ground several times, Chu's mother just pretended that he didn't notice and continued to work hard. After a moment, "Old Chu, this backpack is full. Take it out and empty it."

Dad Chu said: "..." He stepped on the ground, jumping with his hands behind his back and his feet.

"I'm calling you, what are you doing!"

Father Chu said: "I can't hear you." Mother Chu said

: "You're deaf!"

Father Chu, who was still moving, stepped on his own rhythm, as if he was letting the wind blow from east to west. An unyielding posture.

"Brother and sister-in-law, come to my house for dinner later!" Wang Jun burst in with a smile, carrying two bags of things. "You can try it from your own land."

Seeing the confused looks of the two of them, he patted his head and explained: "I work for Boss Cheng to inspect the land, just the few big sheds in front. Most of the people in our village My surname is Wang. In the early days, we were a group of people. Later, when there were more people, it became a village. My name is Wang Jun, you can just call me Junzi." The

old couple wanted to invite people into the house, but Wang Jun didn't even drink any water and just said "in the field" Can't stay away from people. As he walked forward, village chief Wang Youliang and his wife came over with an old hen, and about twenty eggs collapsed in the basket. He said some words of gratitude to the old couple.

"I'll live here forever.

It's thanks to your sons and daughters-in-law that our village is what it is today." "Brother Wang, you are so kind. The children can't stop tossing around, but you don't mind it. They can I rely on you to do good things."

What Chu's father said made Wang You's conscience warm, and suddenly the distance between the two parties was shortened. When the supervisors Cheng Xiang and Chu Xu came back, they found that the two old men knew everything about the people in the village, including the number of people in each household in the village and the interpersonal relationships they had. This ability is also quite powerful.

When Chu's mother grabbed Chu Xu and left him alone, she whispered in his ear: "We have everything at home. You two should pay attention and don't just focus on work all day long. One is over there and the other is here." , is it like living as a couple?"

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