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☆ 95. Chapter 95

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Chapter 95

Enthusiasm is a common characteristic of villagers. After serving tea, this aunt talked with them.

"You are only 25 and 26, so young! You look like a college student."

"Auntie, are you kidding me?"

Wang Xueqin said, "When I first saw you, I thought you were a college student. I didn't expect it to be about the same age as me."

Cheng Xiang laughed, "Maybe I'm tender-faced!"

"It's amazing that you can do such a big thing at such a young age." Aunt Wang praised.

There was movement outside, and Village Chief Wang came back carrying a bundle of straw. He took a look into the room and said to Wang Xueqin: "Xueqin is quick on his feet. Help me call Wang Jun. I don't have his mobile phone number here." "


Wang Xueqin left, and Village Chief Wang took off the knife. , went into the bathroom to get a towel and a basin in his hand.

"I'm going to wash my face first. You sit here for a while."

Nodding, the village chief and his wife went out. Cheng Xiang drank a few sips of tea, thinking that after finishing the work here, he would have to go to the next village to raise chickens. Visiting wealthy families. We can only catch the last train back.

"Have you been waiting for a long time? I thought you would come later." Village Chief Wang cleaned up and sat on the chair.

"It's okay. Village Chief Wang, I don't know where the land you mentioned is located. Can you take me to see it?" "

Just the area in the back mountain." Village Chief Wang stood up, and Cheng Xiang asked him if he wanted to rest for a while. It's not too late to wait until the villager arrives together. But Village Chief Wang said to go there first.

The two chatted while walking, and Wang Youliang told them about the family's situation. This person's name is Wang Jun. He recently divorced his wife and is raising two children and an elderly person at home. The honest man filed for divorce in anger because his wife had lost the money for his father's medical treatment. The woman disagreed and asked Wang Jun to give her money, otherwise she would not divorce. This incident made the honest man so angry that he went to the village and asked the village to take action. If the woman does not divorce, she will have to pay off the joint debts and take the matter to court. If she doesn't cough up the money, the only option is divorce.

This cruel, money-grubbing wife didn't want a single child, and disappeared after the divorce procedures were completed. The children and the elderly are all taken care of by Wang Jun alone. In this situation, he also had to collect surgery fees for his father. When he learned that the village's land was being contracted, he was desperate and went to the village chief to ask.

Knowing these reasons, Cheng Xiang did not hide his thoughts.

"He is a special case. If there is another one, I will not consider it again." Just treat it as charity. When people are in desperate situations, as long as they have a chance and say a word, it will be a sunny day.

Village Chief Wang had a relaxed smile on his face, knowing that there was more hope in this matter. The two walked to the scorched earth that had not yet been dug out after the burning. Village Chief Wang pointed to a place where the boundaries were not very obvious.

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