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☆ 98. Chapter 98

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Chapter 98

The meal in the evening was not a good one. Just as a few people were driving, a car came outside. Three people got out of the car, two women and one man. It looked like a couple with a daughter.

"It's time to eat!" As soon as the woman entered the room, she didn't sit down with her hands folded, and just looked at them like a doorkeeper.

Cheng Xiang's food was stuck in her throat.

"Hey, Qian Wei, have you eaten? Come here to eat." Mo Chudong stood up and greeted him warmly. He stretched out his hand and was about to ask his wife to add some dishes when the man with the handbag said in a bad tone: "Where am I?" I can still eat. I've asked someone about it. If there's no movement from you, I won't be able to allocate the money later!"

Mo Chudong's expression changed a few times, and the woman who entered the room first said again: "Don't They say we bully you. We agreed at the beginning to lend you a one-year turnover. If the business is good, we will treat it as our investment. If the business is not good, you have to return the money to us. It has been almost two years, and you have not done anything. Come on, we have exhausted our patience with you."

This is because Mo Chudong's business is not doing well, so he came here to collect debts.

"I will repay the money soon. I really don't have any cash in hand now. All the money has been invested in the chicken factory." Only

two batches of money have been approved for the project. He is raising chickens and investing in village construction. Where can I find more money? excess deposits. Mo Chudong was also in a dilemma.

"You raise so many chickens, how can you have no money? If you don't have money, how can you still go on the TV station and play GG?"

The woman pressed forward step by step without letting go.

"Brother Dong, if it weren't for the fact that we grew up together, I wouldn't lend you the money readily. Now I'm tight on money, and my daughter wants to buy a house. If you don't pay me back the money, I'll I can't buy this house. You can think of a way and let me deal with the emergency."

The man spoke more tactfully, still caring about the little affection he had in the past, but no ghost would believe him if he said he was really tight. I'm just afraid that Mo Chudong's business will go bankrupt and he won't be able to get back even a penny from Ji Fei Dan. It's time to recover the capital now.

Mo Chudong pursed his lips a few times, and Mo Chudong felt a chill in his heart. He still owed hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans from the bank, so where could he find someone to get the money?

"It's useless for you to force him like this, otherwise you go and catch the chickens from the chicken farm to pay off the debt." Mo Chudong's wife looked angry and felt aggrieved for her man. When he first started doing it, all of them were very wealthy and strongly supported his words. He had just started the chicken farm and the scale of the chicken farm had just increased, and he started to collect debts. It was obvious that he was afraid of harming himself and wanted to cut off his clothes. righteous.

"What we took was money at the beginning, but you asked me to take chickens to make up the numbers. You guys are too good at it. Who doesn't know that your chickens can't be sold!" The

woman's voice rose, "We will lend you our old money." You didn't say a word when it came to the money, and you just dragged your feet when it was your turn, which is so chilling!"

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