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There he stood before the mirror, looking at his own reflection. At himself, who wore a fine well-pressed suit, he left his hair as it is. He looked formal. The last time he wore something presentable like this was when he took you to the ball to Camelot, the coronation of King Arthur himself.

"Tommy, you ready?!" Caspar yelled from donwstairs.

"Yeah! Just hold in a second!" Tommy (Pan) yelled as he walked to his closet, crouching down to the box in the corner as he opened it to show his clothes. He rummaged through the pockets and got a hold of something which he took out.

A capsule of pixie dust. The one that you gave to him. The night that you gave him the pixie dust was the same night that you said that you believed in him. Maybe with this, he will make you remember.

Tommy (Pan) will make sure that you remember.


Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Y/n?" Hayley called as she peeked in the room, opening it to see you sitting in your vanity, brushing your hair.

"Hey, Mom" You said as Hayley smiled walking in, walking towards you as she took the brush away from your hands and began to brush your hair for you.

"Hope said you woke up late"

"Sorry, Mom. I was just really tired—"

"You don't have to apologize. I'm glad that you got enough sleep" Hayley said as she stopped brushing your hair, placing the brush on your vanity. Placing her hands on your shoulder, the two of you looked at your reflections on the mirror.

"I also heard from your father what happened" Hayley said.

"I was so scared, Mom. I know that it's my destiny to be a fully activated tribrid but—"

"If you think we will love you any less, you are wrong. We support your decision. Though we don't hold our fate in our hands, you must always be prepared.... my angel" Hayley said as she caressed your hair. Taking the small metal flower crown from your vanity and placing it on your head, making sure it is secured. "For whatever the world has in store for you" Hayley smiled, lovingly.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The two of you looked at the door to see Klaus, "You lool beautiful, Cub" Klaus said to you as you stood up, smiling at your Father.

"Thank you, Dad. You don't look half bad yourself" You teased as he chuckled. Klaus nods at Hayley who nods back at him. "The guest are arriving. Are you both ready?" Klaus asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be" You said looking at your Mom who smiled at you, takes your hand as she guides you out of your room. Klaus closes the door as the three of you join the other Mikaelsons who were in the parlor getting presentable for the ball.

"The last time we had one of this was when we were at Mystic Falls" Kol said as he stared at his reflection "What do you think, sisters? Do I look ravishing?" Kol turned around looking at Freya and Rebekah.

"Nothings change" Rebekah answered.

"Why thank you, Beks—"

"You still lool hideous" Rebekah smiled sarcastically as Kol replicated the smile.

"Well, I think you look handsome, Kol" Freya said smiling at Kol.

"Finally, someone who appreciates this face" Kol said making the whole family laugh.

"Oh, don't worry. I appreciate that face every day and night" Davina said walking to Kol placing a hand on his chest as she placed a kiss on his cheek.

Kol whispered "Thank you, Love. You look wonderful as always" This made Davina giggle. Elijah then entered the parlor, "Is everyone ready?" He asked as Hayley walked up to him, placing a kiss on his cheek.

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