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Pan hurriedly climbed up the tree house. Head poking from the opened door to see you on bed, very close to the corner. Sobbing hysterically as you were hugging your legs to your chest. You had your face hiden on your arms. Once had his feet settled on the floor of the tree house, he walked to you slowly to not startle you.

"Hey, Love..." Pan called lovingly as he sat down on the bed.

You looked up, eyes puffy red, nose red, cheeks red and lips trembling. Your chest going up and down irregularaly, you are breathing heavily.

"P-peter" You chocked out through a sob.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"I was just.... It was a stupid dream. It was me. An evil me and I was killling everyone I loved. And you were there, I was killing you. I looked like I was enjoying it. I was rouge. A ripper. It was scary" You said "I was so scared that I had to scream myself awake— I..i—" You stopped talking as you started to breath heavily. Panic Attack. Panic Attack.

Pan noticed as he said "Breath, Darling. Come on, count with me. 1"






"I can't do it, Peter. I can't!" You stated, closing your eyes tight shut. Pan cupped your face as he pressed his lips against yours. It made you stop breathing for a second before he pulled away.

The panic attack stopped.

Pan took your hands gently into his. Rubbing small circles on the top using his thumb. He smiled softly.

"You are strongest and most bravest girl I have ever met. When I met you, I saw a spark in your eyes and all it needed was a little push to become a blazing fire. You have fire. You are more then just a tribrid. That fire in your eyes will get you anywhere. That fire will battle any enemy you come across. You aren't the a weak girl, you are Y/n Mikaelson, my lost girl" Pan said having this speech. He doesn't want you looking down to yourself. He doesn't want you to have such low self-esteem. He wants you to know that you are amazing. He wants you to see how he sees you.

A strong brave beautiful young woman. His lost girl.

"You are so much more then you think" Pan said lifting his hand up and moving the strand of hair that fell on your face, blocking his view of that pretty face of yours.

"You are just saying that—"

"No, I'm not" Pan stated cutting you off. He clenched his jaw, seriously wanting to murder Derek Hale and Ace because of them, you think this way. And he vowed to remind you every single day otherwise. Because they took away any self love and self respect you had for yourself "I'm saying this because its true. How I see you– I see you as a strong brave beautiful girl"

You sniffled, wiping your tears as you looked to the side. Pan sighed, cupping your face making you look at him, gently.

"I promise that I will always protect you. I promise to always be here to tell you that you are beautiful, strong, smart, brave and kind. I promise that I will be here by your side helping you slay your demons. I promise that I am not lying when I say that I believe in you because I do. I believe in you, Y/n like you believe in me because god knows how belief is needed more in this world. I believe that you can get back on your feet and show the word the girl that I see. The girl that has this blazing burning fire in her beautiful dark brown eyes" Pan smiled genuinely. It made you smile, his words made you smile. Pan always knew the right thing to say to calm you down.

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