❈ ONE ❈

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There you sat on the messy bed, trembling so bad, breathing heavily as whimpers escape your lips. Dried tears staining your red cheek that had a hand print on it and new ones just gracefully falling from your puffy eyes. You sat there pulling the white blanket up, to cover your naked exhausted body. You felt so vulnerable, so disgusted with yourself. Why couldn't you have fought harder? Why are you such a weakling human being?

The one thing that you could never get back has been taken from you, your virginity. Here, you wanted to lose it to someone you love, someone who would take care of you and see you as something so fragile and special. Someone who would respect you, honor you and love you.

But no, you just had to lose it to someone who is disgusting, vile and disrespectful. Someone who you considered of as a brother and as a friend.

The noise of the metal from the belt, clang together. Looking up to your side to the man who took away your virginity and dignity getting dressed up. The man stood up to his feet, grabbing his t-shirt and getting it on. He made eye contact with you.

"Don't look at me like that" He said firmly, rolling his eyes. He walked to the other side of the room, to get something. You just watch him. Still you trembled and cried. How can you not?

"W-why?" You stuttered out, your voice hoarse from the screaming. Screaming for him to stop. Screaming loudly, hoping someone would hear you but no one goes to this part of the woods.

"Why? Because you are the perfect canditate" He said pushing his hair back as he looked at you. Walking up to you as you backed up to the headboard of the bed, he grabbed your chin harshly "And you have a nice ass"

He harshly let go of you chin as you just looked at the messy bed, tears falling freely from your eyes.

"You can tell this to anyone. No one would believe you anyways" He said walking to the door, opening it "Derek Hale, the person who has help Scott with his werewolf powers. Derek Hale, the adult who helps teenagers solve mysteries and who helps them fight any supernatural enemy. No one would believe you"

Those were his last words before he walked out, slamming the door shut. Making you flinched, gripping tighter on the blanket that covered your form. When you heard another noise, indicating that the man who kidnapped, raped you and took away your dignity, left. A loud sob escaped your lips.

How could he...?


Walking home was also a bad part. You kept limping. You smelled disgusting, you reeked of cum, sweat and blood. A sniffle escaped from you here and then, the streets of Beacon Hills were quiet and empty. Its in the middle of the night after all. You soon reach the Stilinski House using the spare key under the mat. You opened the door, walking in before closing it shut. Just as you turned around the lights opened to show your Dad, Noah Stilinski and brother, Stiles Stilinski.

"Care to explain why you are so back late?" Dad asked raising a brow.

Using your jacket, you wrapped it around your body tighter. You shaking so badly didn't go unnotice by your Dad and Stiles. They saw it.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Stiles asked worriedly. You looked up to them because of the lights. They saw the dried tears staining your cheek, your puffy eyes, red cheek and noses and your trembling lips. Your hair is a mess, you look like a mess.

Stiles stood up walking to you but you flinched, taking a step back making Stiles stop in his tracks. Looking confused before look at Noah.

"Y/n, tell us what's wrong? What happened?" Noah asked standing up to his feet.

"You wouldn't believe me" You chocked out, quietly.

"Nonsense. We will believe you" Noah said. He looked worried. Both him and his son looked worried.

"I was kidnapped" You said. Making the eyes of the men widen "I was r-raped..." You chocked out, fresh tears falling down.

"Who did it?" Noah asked, angrily. Stiles stood there in shocked.

You didn't answer.

"Who did it?" Noah asked again, much louder this time.

"D-Derek Hale.." You said. They both looked shocked

Stiles then said "Derek wouldn't do that. He loves you like a sister."

"Well, he did. He kidnapped me and he raped me. He took away my virginity and my dignity, Stiles" You said looking at your brother. Hurt that he didn't believe you. Derek was right, no one would believe you.

"Stiles is right. Derek wouldn't do that. Now, tell us the truth" Noah said agreeding with Stiles.

You looked at them with disbelief "He kidnapped me. He raped me!" You stated.

"Who told you to blame Derek? Y/n, you don't have to be scared. I will get that man behind bars if its the last thing I do" Noah said looking worried. "I'll even be on the phone with Klaus right now. Tell us who did it"

"Why don't you believe me!?" You screamed to them, sobbing. Why couldn't they believe you? They should believe you. You are family. Noah's daughter. Stiles' sister.

"Because Derek is so unlikely to do such a thing!" Stiles defended. Clearly mad at whoever did this to and made you put up to blame Derek.

"I was kidnapped! I was raped! Derek did it!!"

"Y/n, tell the truth. You don't have to be scared—"

"Why does nobody believe me!?" You asked them raising your voice. Why couldn't they believe you? You lost your virginity and dignity and they think you would lie of who did it to you.

"I have been through hell!" You yelled, sobbing "Why won't the two of you believe me?" You asked brokenly. Before running off to your room, leaving them there.

"Y/n, wait—" Stiles yelled but the last thing they heard is your door being slammed shut. Stiles looked at Noah.


"Lets give her space. We will get whoever did this to your sister" Noah assured, placing a hand on his son's shoulder.

"Should we tell the Mikaelsons?"

"If we did.... they would burn this town down and nothing will be left of it"

Meanwhile, you were in your room. Leaning on your door, sitting on your floor. Hugging your legs to your chest as you sobbed onto them. It muffled it, you were broken. Virginity and dignity gone. You felt disgusted with yourself. Vulnerable.

Here you are now, crying badly because you were kidnapped and raped.

You are scarred. Mentally, emotionally and physically. You felt so lost.

And no one can understand.

You are a Mikaelson and yet it came to this. Your family name did nothing if you aren't a fully activated tribrid like your sister.

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