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The bright light went away and you felt cold, like passing by some kind of fog. Then, there it was an Island you never thought would be really 'real', Neverland. It couldn't be, you must have hit your head or something or like fell asleep and this is all just some sick dream because you want to escape reality but you can't so you just have a dream of it. Maybe, Peter Pan and Neverland is the last thing you thought of before getting some eye shut and visiting your dreamland.

But everything felt so real, especially this shadow— That is apparently dropping you in the middle of the forest in god knows where. In Neverland– A scream escaped your lips as you dropped on the floor and the shadow flew away in the darkness of the night. You fell on the rough ground with a thud, landing on a bush.

Immediately, you got out of it. Yup, that felt real. The pain is real. Looking down to your knee, there was blood. Great and you have a wound. This is all real. You dusted your clothes, getting the dirt and leaves of you. Looking around you realize that you are in a bold spot on this forest. A huge rock by the side and a bunch of tall trees. It made it look creepy at night, maybe in day it looks wonderful.

You just thought of Peter Pan and Neverland. You didn't think it would come true. Now, you are all alone in this god forsaken creepy Island. It looked really scary. At this times, you wish you were at the preserve because it looks less scary and you know every inch of it by now.

"Hello?" You called out. Hoping that someone was there. Or the shadow was and it could bring you back home.

But what you didn't know is. Once you stepped foot on this Island's soil, you can never leave. That's why its called, Neverland.

Oblivious to the eyes on you.

By a mountain, a spot where you can see the whole island. Stood a boy in clothes that seem to come from a fairytale, he had light brown hair, forest green eyes. A one eyed-telescope in his hand. Behind him stood a boy with an x mark scar on his face, tall and has blonde hair. He wore a cloak and the hood was over his head.

He saw you, walking and looking around your surroundings. Pulling away and closing the telescope, he smirks.

"What?" The blonde boy asked looking at the other.

"Our guest has arrived" He answered the boy looking at his second in command.

"She's here?" The blonde boy asked, smirking.

"Indeed, Felix" The boy said to the blonde boy named Felix "Tell the boys that a lost girl has arrived in Neverland" The boy smirked.

"Will do... Peter Pan" Felix agreed, smirking turning around leaving to go back to camp.


"Hello?" You called out, again.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

You heard a sound behind you. Leaves rustling.

"Who's there—"

"You're Y/n, right?"

Turning around sharply. You grabbed the closes object that you would grasp and apparently, it was a knife. What was a knife doing in the middle of the woods at night? You held it up in the air.

At the sound of a british accent, a unfamiliar male voice. It made you startled but that voice now had a figure. There stood a boy with forest green eyes, light brown hair and some weird clothes. He leaned on the tree, holding his belt.

"Who are you!?" You asked getting anxious. How could you not? You are alone in a forest with this boy. A boy! The last thing you need is going through the same hell that Derek put you in.

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