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"Yes, Lyds. I got it. Don't worry-"

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Come in!" You yelled as you looked through your stuff. You glanced at the door to see Jed, you smiled at your boyfriend.

"Hey, Jed" You said to him as you walked to your closet, picking an outfit for tonight that would please Lydia because the last thing that you need is her barking in your ear and screaming like the banshee she is.

"Can we talk?" Jed asked, looking nervous. You looked at him, raising a brow.

"Uh, yeah sure. What's up?" You asked, too busy looking at your clothes.

"Y/n, I need your full attention on this" Jed said seriously making you stop in your tracks as you turned to look at him. Jed sigh as he walked to your bed, sitting on it making it tip. He pats the empty side, gesturing for you to sit. You took the hint and sat beside him.

"Is everything okay, Jed?" You asked him, worriedly and confused.

"Yes, I just- I have to be honest with you, Y/n. It'll be so unfair to you if I keep this on any longer and I just can't anymore" Jed said looking distress. "Promise me you won't hate me"

"Never, Jed. Never" You said as you take a hold of his hand, giving it a squeeze "Tell me what's wrong..."

"I'm... I'm bixesual" Jed confessed. "But I like boys more"

And it was silent. Jed didn't even dare to look you in the eyes. Too scared to meet Mikaelson wrath.

"I'm so proud of you, Jed"

"I'm so sorry, Y/n- wait, what?" Jed turned to you, eyes wide open. Looking like a dear in headlights. It made you laugh, shaking your head.

"Its unexpected but not a surprise. I mean, the thing you had with Ben" You smiled softly at him "I'm glad you could tell me that, Jed. And I guess this is the part where we break up"

They both looked into each others eyes.

"Will you be okay?"

"I'll be okay. Will you be okay, Y/n?"

"I'll be fine"


The house was packed with people from school. The music was loud, alot of sweaty bodies colliding with one another, the smell of alcohol in the air and serious make-out sessions in corners of the house.

While everyone was having fun, you sat by the side in an isolated corner outside the house by the pool. Only few people hanged where you were.

You sat on the grass, hugging your legs to your chest. Watching the people have fun right before your eyes. Then, you felt a presence approach you slowly. But you didnt feel an urge to be ready to attack because somehow, you felt used to it. Used to being sneak up on.

The person sat beside you.

Then they spoke "You aren't going to join them?" He referred to the pack who were having fun.

"I'm not in the mood" You answered, shaking your head.

"Why are you here?" You asked not looking to your side. "You should enjoy the party"

You felt eyes on you "I'm not a party person" He answered which made you look at him. To meet forest green eyes. Your heart then started to act up, speed up.

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