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"Where have you been!?" Stiles asked walking to you, then capturing you in a bone crushing hug. You hugged your worried brother back.

"Babe, you scared me. I had to clean up" Jed said walking to you. You rolled your eyes playfully as you smiled.

"We didn't even get to finish our date" Jed whined like a baby as he hugged you. You hugged back.

"For an Alpha, you act like a Pup" You teased your boyfriend.

"I am so not a Pup!" Jed gasped dramatically, pulling away from the hug which made you giggle then smiled at him.

"I'm sorry I worried you. I was on my way back, I got lost in thought and also got lost in the process"

Jed sighs, "It's okay. As long as you are fine" Jed reassured with a soft smile.

"I'm sorry..." You said, burying your face on his chest.

You're not the one to be sorry. I should be the one being sorry because I think that I am—

Jed's thoughts were cut off by you saying.

"We can make up for it next time" You assured, pulling away with the sweetest smile.

"Sleepover?" Stiles suggested looking at the rest of the pack.

"The night before school? Seriously?" Lydia asked with a raised brow, while her hands rested on her waist. She had this look of 'are you kidding me right now?'

Kira intervened "Guys, school is tomorrow. Senior year to be exact" It made Stiles pout.

"You are no fun, Kira!" Stiles said.

"It wouldn't be bad. We can have it at the loft" Scott said agreeing to the sleepover.

"Derek will be mad" You exclaimed.

"That's the best part" Landon, Kaleb, Isaac, and Liam all said at the same time making everyone laugh.

"Mad Derek is hot though" Lizzie shrugs.

"Eww, Lizzie!" You stated dramatically making Josie and Hope laugh.

"What? It's true!" Lizzie said in defense. Not noticing MG's longing looks towards her but the rest notice making them snicker.

"The thrilling part of it all" Stiles said with a mischevious look.

"We are going to die, Sti! You could barely even punch him even if you are stronger!"


"Hey" Hope called as you looked at her.

"What's up, big sis?" You asked Hope, tilting your head to the side.

"The family is here" Hope said.

"I thought they were joking when they said—"

"After you getting kidnapped and all those supernatural things going on here, Dad wants to keep a close eye on you" Hope said. You groaned in frustration.

"My freedom! I'll be observed like a cookie in an oven" It made Hope laugh.

"It's not funny, Hope. You aren't the one being watched like a hawk!"


Pan walked the strange unfamiliar woods. He is glad the man in the light made him appear to where you live but where do you live? Where is he? Pan just kept walking with the stuff he dropped in his arms. Surely, if he appeared with it, then it has significance. He had to figure out this game the man in the light had on.

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