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Pan walked up to those heroes who stood in the middle of the street talking, he saw the curse being held by Regina the Evil Queen.

"The important thing is..." Regina bends down, her hand going under Henry's chin making him look up to her a bit "...you will be"

Pan held out his hand as the curse appeared on his palm, he gripped on it tightly as he walked forward to them "No, he won't" He says earning the attention of all of the heroes.

He had this serious expression on his face. He looked done, furious and ready to really make them suffer. The sight of Pan made everyome cower in fear as they back up.

Hook pointed to Pan with his only hand, Hook exclaimed out loud "He has the—" But he couldn't finish his sentence as Pan moved his hand around, pointing to the heroes as they all freeze. They couldn't move or speak, they just stood there like idiots because the spell that Pan casted.

Once they were all frozen, Pan showed the curse and finished Hook's sentence, "Curse" Pan says with a sarcastic smile on his face.

Before it evaporated away being replace with a frown and glare "That I do" Pan said.

"I'll play with you like a pack of dolls, couldn't I?" Pan questioned as he walked forward towards Neal and Belle who stood beside each other "I think I'll start with you two"

There he stood before Neal and Belle who could only look at him, frozen in their place.

"You both look so adorable"

Pan said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice and words as he quirked a brow up.

"It's hard to tell which one to kill first" Pan said chuckling as he looked at all the heroes before his gaze went back to Neal and Belle "No, it's isn't" Pan stated as he pointed towards Neal.

"You. You first"

Then a hand came to Pan's shoulder, yanking him away from the heroes. It was Rumpelstiltskin's hand as he says through gritted teeth, "Stay away from them" Sending a death glare to his father.

"Why should I?" Pan asked raising a brow as he says through gritted teeth "When you and your family are the sole reason why my love is angry at me. Why she hates me!"

"It's your fault why she does—"

"YOU KEEP TAKING EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME!" Pan yelled so loud that the whole town shook at his fury (mark the sarcasm). If the heroes could move, they would have flinched "First, my name, my money, my time, my dream, my island, my lost boys and now the love of my life" Pan said as he panted, glaring at Rumpel.

"What more will you take from me!? When can I be free of you!?" Pan asked in a loud voice.

"Like I said, Papa, in death" Rumpel stated confident.

"How about this the worm has teeth" Pan stated "Well, you here to protect your wuv ones?" Pan raised a brow, saying those words with sarcasm.

"I'm not going to let you touch either one of them" Rumpel stated pointing towards Belle and Neal. The only thing the reason could do was watch.

Pan smirked, challenging his son "Oh, I'd lile to see that" Walking closer to his son.

"Oh, you will" Rumpel said smirking as he too walked closer to his father. "Because I have a job to finish and I have to do it whatever it takes"

Pan just listened letting his son blabber all he wants. Unknown to them, you stood there by the street pole holding the Pandora's Box like Rumpel said in case his plan doesn't work. Tears falling and staining your cheek. But, alas, Pan was starting to get bored of his son's blabber as his gaze wondered only to meet the dark brown eyes that he drowns so helplessly in, hundreds of times.

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