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There you checked yourself in the mirror in the tree house. Twirling a bit to check if you look good. You were definitely having second thoughts. The outfit and everything is beautiful but you don't think you are. A sigh escape your lips. This will do. Carefully climbing down the ladder, making sure not to ruin your dress or get it dirty. Once your feet settled on the ground, you ventured off to camp.

This is your first time wearing a fancy dress not like you haven't wore one. Not like you haven't wore a dress, you have but not this long or fancy. You fiddled with your hands as you walked towards the camp. You heard the lost boys talking to Pan about something. But you were too nervous to listen, exhaling out loud. You push through some bushes.

Whatever they were talking about, it stopped as they turned to look at you. They looked at you with their jaw dropped. You felt shy making you look down to the ground, lifting your hand up and pushing the strand of hair back to your ear.


You heard someone say but the person who said it— you can't mistake who said it because Pan exclaimed that.

Looking up you met his forest green eyes as he met your dark chocolate brown ones.

When I saw you in that dress
Looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this
You look perfect tonight

Pan was speechless. Staring at you looking beautiful in that white dress. You looked amazing...like a Princess. His Princess.

"Hey.." Pan said as you walked up to him. He smiled. The lost boys looked back and forth, to you then back to Pan. Devin groaning in pain as he handed an apple to Felix.

"Just don't hit my face" Devin said.

"I'll try" Felix smirked down to the younger boy.

You smiled "Hi" You greeted back.

"You look—"

"Ugly? Hideous? Out of this world in a bad way? Like an oger—"

"Beautiful" Pan breathed out, sighing along with his words. Cutting you off. His words sent blood to rush to your cheeks, staining it red. The fire burned brightly creating a beautiful vibe around the camp.

Heart beating so fast that in this silence, it could almost be heard. You feared that Pan would hear it beat irregulary fast.

"Oh..." You said. Pan just stared at you. He practically couldn't take his eyes off you. This is one of the times that he is not bad with his shadow or furious with it "You don't look bad yourself" You stated.

This is the time you took to look Pan up and down. He wore this prince attire that you would only see in picture books, cosplays and movies. Him wearing it– he looked really handsome.

He looks like a real life prince charming.

You thought.

Pan chuckled at hearing your thoughts, "And you look like a real life princess. My princess" Pan whispered, winking and walking up to you as he handed you a flower. It was a single flower. A pink carnation.

You smiled in gratituded, taking the flower from Pan. "Thank you" You said. Admiring the flower with a genuine grin on your face. Pan just watched you, too stunned to even move or say anything else.

Finishing admiring the flower, you placed it on your left ear. Making sure it is placed properly and secured. You and Peter just smiled at each other. Maybe it was the moment, the feeling and how it was just felt like it was just the two of you standing here in the middle of Neverland. It felt like both of your subconsciousness were taking over. The two of you leaned in unknowingly. Some of the older lost boys turned to look away while the younger ones just watch confusingly.

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