❈ SIX ❈

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You felt warm. That's a first, sleeping in a cage in the middle of the forest could get cold but right now you were warm. And you felt really comfortable, like your back not going stiff or aching. The cage felt all soft suddenly. The cage is definitely soft. Opening your eyes, as you were slightly blinded by the golden rays that the sun is beaming down Neverland. Blinking them open, the blurriness went away. Now, your vision is focus and there you saw a window.

A window in your cage?

Did Pan upgrade my cage or something?

You thought.

"No, Darling. You're in my hut"

It made you jump as you fell off your cage– nope, it's a bed. A loud thud resounded around the hut. This is why everyone thinks that you and Stiles are related by blood.

"Ow.." You grumbled.

You heard Pan laughing, at you. Might I add. Looking up, you glared at the 17 year old boy who sat at his made study table. Standing up, he leaned down, giving you a hand. You took it as he help you stand up, but he seem to add to much strength— on purpose– making you lose balance a bit and fall close to Pan. Both of your bodies touching, your hands going to his chest to try and stop yourself from falling onto him.

Pan's hands went to your waist, holding you down firmly. You stared up his forest green eyes as he stared down to your dark chocolate brown eyes.

"Good sleep? I presume you did, you were cuddling up so close to me. Almost didn't let me go" Pan said, like it was nothing. He smirked down to you.

Since you just woke up, you looked at him confused, tilting your head to the side. Processing what he said and when you finally fully processed it. Your eyes widen like saucers. Crimson red rushing up to your cheeks.


"It's fine, Darling. I enjoyed it" He winked. Making your blush darken. You immediately pushed him away, backing up.

"I- we-  me and you– same bed?" You stuttered.

Pan chuckled "Yeah, we did. Couldn't leave you in your cage after that talk last night" Pan said.

The truth, Pan didn't want to leave you in that cage because of what you told him. He trust his lost boys, he knows them by now but he didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable or tense when the boys came to look at you because your the new lost girl and since the party for you has been postponed. The lost boys grew more curious of you. Plus Pan didn't know how the boys would react to you. They are some teenagers by the way. Horny Teenagers. So, Pan had to be safe and sure.

You backed up more from Pan making him raise a brow. He then whispered "I didn't do anything to you..." He felt upset that you would think he would do such a thing.

That confession made you relax. You didn't know why you trusted that he did nothing. But you did. You trust him.

"Anyway, I'll have someone bring breakfast up here. I just have an errand to do" Pan said and before you could say anything else, he was already gone.

"Pan?" Someone called, you looked at the door and a knock came. You took a deep breath before walking up to the door opening it, there stood a boy.

"Pan, Felix said to bring up breakfast— Oh, Hi" The boy said having a charming smile on his face.

You gripped tighter onto the door.

"You must be Y/n, right? The lost girl? I'm Ace" He said softly to you.

"Uh, hi..." You said to him.

"Can I come in?"

You hesitated. Like would Pan want someone in his hut? Because you certainly didn't want someone in. And Ace seemed to notice this, that he cleared his throat as he says "It's fine. Here, Breakfast. I assume its yours" Ace gices the tray of food. You let go of the door to take it.

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