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Tommy (Pan) sat there in silence, thinking back to what happened a couple hours ago. If only he got there faster, then you wouldn't be here. If only he had his powers, you would be fine. Tommy (Pan) hated feeling powerless.... was this what everyone in storybrooke felt when he tried to cast a curse? Was this what the lost boys felt? What Henry... What Neal.... What Rumpel felt? What you felt? When all he was aiming and striving for is more power and immortality?


Tommy (Pan) looks up to see Melissa which made Tommy (Pan) stand up to his feet "Y/n, is she okay—"

"She's fine now and sleeping" Melissa informed as Tommy (Pan) lets out a sigh of relief, glad that you were okay.

"And thank you for bringing her hear on time. If you didn't, she would have—" Melissa doesn't continue her sentence but Tommy (Pan) knew what she wanted to say.

If he didn't bring you here on time, you would have died and become a vampire. A fully activated tribrid like your sister. "You can go see her if you want" Melissa said as she pointed to the room you were in.

"Thank you" Tommy (Pan) says as he turned around and walks towards your room. Taking a deep breath, he places his hand in the door knob, opening the door. He looks around the room and sees that the television was open and the news was playing. 

Tommy (Pan) walks in the room and closes the door. Then there he saw you laying on bed, sleeping peacefully. He turned to look at the T.V to listen to the news.

"Ryan Benwick and Nora Landers are reportedly missing...." The news says showing the two people from the alleyway. Tommy (Pan) rolls his eyes, both of them got what they deserve and they can never escape the echo caves alive. He turned around to look at you fast asleep but what Tommy (Pan) knows was that you were dreaming. Dreaming of him. Of you and him. Of Neverland.

"Hello?" You called out, again.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

You heard a sound behind you. Leaves rustling.

"Who's there—"

"You're Y/n, right?"

Turning around sharply. You grabbed the closes object that you would grasp and apparently, it was a knife. What was a knife doing in the middle of the woods at night? You held it up in the air.

At the sound of a british accent, a unfamiliar male voice. It made you startled but that voice now had a figure. There stood a boy with forest green eyes, light brown hair and some weird clothes. He leaned on the tree, holding his belt.

"Who are you!?" You asked getting anxious. How could you not? You are alone in a forest with this boy. A boy! The last thing you need is going through the same hell that Derek put you in.

"Oh, did I forget to introduce myself?" He asked raising a brow.

"I'm Peter.." He smiled before it dropped as he continued "..Peter Pan"

You charged forward. Pan being pinned to the tree as you had the knife you picked up against his neck. He was practically enjoying this as he chuckled, smiling down to you.

Well, he is taller then you by a couple of inches but taller.

"Where the hell am I?" You hissed. You knew where you are. The thing you need is assurance probably to stop you from thinking this is a dream or a prank.

"You've got fire" He panted, smirking at you "I like fire"

Your eyebrows furrowed together. Your face looked upset which made Tommy (Pan) frown.

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