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Its been what? 5 days since Henry is here. The lost boys were always busy. Pan was always busy. You were always in the tree house. Trying to figure out what the hell, Pan could be hiding from you that even the lost boys won't tell.

"Devin" You called out. The boy looked to you, he had this cut on his cheek. You knew that Henry did that because Pan made the poor boy do so.

Devin walked to you, sitting beside you as you began to treat his cut.

"Mind telling me what Pan is hiding?" You asked.

"Pan is hiding nothing, Y/n—" Devin hissed in pain.

"Sorry" You mumbled as you continued to treat his cut.

"Then tell me why on earth his acting weird? Why is it that its always night?" You asked Devin.

"Like we said and Pan said, Neverland is Dying. Its magic is fading away and Henry is here to save it"

You werent taking that bullshit. That wasn't through, they were lying through their teeth. Why is Henry here? If Henry is here to save magic then why are their other people here in Neverland to save Henry? Probably because Pan can be a demon. A devil in disguise but there certainly something else.

This just keeps making you confuse.

A exasperated sigh escaped your lips. You decided to take a walk in the forest of Neverland. You knew this woods like the back of your hand now. Always running around in it at day. A morning jog, to keep you in shape. In this past 5 days, you felt distant with Pan. Sure, there were the cuddles and kisses and hugs and flirty words but something or someone would always interrupt or he would have to leave immediately. You don't even know what the two of you are still because nothing is confirmed.

Right now, you are walking back to the tree house. Feeling like reading a book but as you got there, you heard voices making you frown. You heard a girl voice as well as Henry's.

Girl? Weren't you the only girl in Neverland beside the other visitors?

This made you climb up on a tree, discreetly looking into the window of the tree house. To see a girl laying on the bed. This made you frown more. You got jealous, like what was this pretty girl doing on a bed that you share with Pan. What on earth is thie girl and Henry doing in the tree house.

Is Pan cheating? But he said that he loves me?— Snap out of it, Y/n! You and Pan aren't together therefore you have no right to be jealous.

You thought.

But it still hurts.

Why did Pan keep this girl a secret?

"My names Wendy" The girl on the bed said.

Your eyes widen.

Wendy Darling— No wonder. I have no match for her...

You thought feeling insecure of yourself.

"Wendy Darling?" Henry asked to make sure. Wendy gave a small nod "I'm Henry"

He introduce himself talking a sit on the bed as he asked "What's wrong?"

That's exactly what you'd like to know.

"It's the Island, Henry. It's power is fading"

No shit sherlock

You thought, rolling your eyes. What does that have to do with her anyway—

Jealous doesn't look good on you, Y/n Mikaelson. If Scott was here, he would already comment on you reeking of jealousy.

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