◦•●◉✿Battle Above the Gods Eye✿◉●•◦

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"Don't think about it." Daena advises. "Thinking about it will not help you. Just as worrying about Jaehaerys won't help me. It will only make us distracted."

As they had expected, Daelys and Aemond has to listen to Daemon about how Daelys can think that being present at the front lines would be a good idea.

"Can we discuss what we will do about those two dragon riders instead of shouting?" Daelys asks impatiently.

"What are we to do?" Jaehaerys asks quickly.

"You and Aemond are to engage Hugh Hammer who rides Vermithor." Daelys says. "Daemon and I will engage Ulf White who rides Silverwing."

"Are you certain about that?" Cregan asks. "It can go either way. Anyone can lose their lives."

"If we win this, we win the war." Aemond says. "We need to win this however necessary."

"And if the biggest dragons are here, then it will be easier." Daelys adds.

"When do we attack?" Jaehaerys asks.

"The moment your men are ready." Daelys answers looking at Cregan.

"Then we will get them ready immediately." Jonnel says leaving the room with Cregan.

Daemon after hesitating for one second leaves as well. Daelys gestures for Jaehaerys to leave as well. "How am I to do this?" Daelys asks Aemond in High Valyrian.

Aemond glances at the opening of the tent before answering. "Make White ride above the clouds. Don't protect Daemon much."

"That I can manage." Daelys says. "And it is the night. The moment word goes out that war has broken here, Joffrey and Jaehaera will join us too."

"Both of them are on your side, not Daemon's. If it gets too much, give me a signal, I will finish it." Aemond tells her.

"I do not doubt you will. I am just worried." Daelys says.

"Do not be. You can control fire. So can I but you have had practice. Use fire against your enemies." Aemond advises.

"Follow your own advice." Daelys moves around the table and stands next to Aemond. They share a small kiss before they have to leave to prepare.

"Anything else before we go to the final battle in this war?" Jaehaerys asks Daelys.

"When Joffrey and Jaehaera joins us, make sure they stay with you. Neither are experienced riders and between the two, White is more experienced." Daelys orders.

"Then you should have another with you." Cregan states.

Daelys looks at Daemon to see how he will react to that. "If it worries everyone so much, then Aemond can join us once they join us."

Both Daelys and Aemond are surprised by this but they quickly hide it. "Very well." Aemond says. "If the battle lasts that long then I will certainly join you."

"Alright." Daelys says. Daelys glances at Aemond something that Daemon notices.

Daelys and Daemon circle the battle field with Aemond and Jaehaerys as they all wait for some sign of White and Hammer. Jaehaerys and Aemond are on the other side of the field when Daemon finally decides to break the silence between them.

"What is your real reason for coming here?" Daemon asks Daelys.

She looks over at him as if confused. "I do not understand what you mean."

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