37장 || Serenade of the Soul

Start from the beginning

Her eyes grew huge at the honor bestowed as I motioned her over. Uhn Yuhn covered her grin poorly with one billowing sleeve when I sighed in exaggerated remorse to see the treats depart just before there was an announcement of the Queen Dowager.

I hastily rearranged my features into a pleasant smile as the doors swept open to admit the Queen Dowager herself a moment later. Both Uhn Yuhn and I moved to stand respectfully but she waved us back down, clucking goodnaturedly.

"None of that silly formality - sit, sit!" As I resettled amidst the plush cushions, I noticed Uhn Yuhn discreetly miming wiping one's mouth out of the Queen Dowager's sight. I smoothed a palm self-consciously over my own lips though I tasted nothing amiss.

Oblivious to our silent exchange, the Elder Queen waved over several attendant maidens bearing an assortment of gilded boxes and trays which they arranged neatly on the low table. My grandmother-in-law favored me with an impish smile quite at odds with her normally severe countenance.

"My grandson said he has been rather, shall we say, strict concerning sweets and indulgences for his beloved pregnant wife." She shot me a sly look askance. " You know well, it's unlike me to undermine the Prince's wishes but these little treats can be our secret, mm?"

I ducked my head, struggling to contain a grin at the Dowager's stealthy interference. If only she knew my dear husband himself had already been plying me with snacks against her recommended diet! I smoothed my expression so that my happiness didn't give everything away. 

"Such a rebellious scheme, Majesty," I replied, injecting mock gravity into my tone. I closed my eyes and shook my head with put-upon resignation. "I would never undermine my prince's strict rules by sampling these delicacies....I should... be strict, and mindful."

Unable to maintain the facade, I cracked one eyelid impishly. The Dowager brandished a palm-sized cake before me, one snowy brow lifting in challenge to my feeble protests. "Come now child, I wasn't born yesterday! One small indulgence between us ladies..."

I had to laugh then, accepting the treat as she pressed it insistently into my hands, devotion for this unconventional grandmother.

My gaze promised secrecy over our covert rebellion. After all, what harm when I already enjoyed the Prince's hidden largesse of Ewehn confections on occasion?

" It would be rude to refuse time honoring grandmotherly wisdom..." I pronounced, as Uhn Yuhn watched me. With a slow sweet smile just for this formidable woman who held my heart utterly, I bit into crumbling pastry bursting with honey.

I took another blissful bite, catching Uhn Yuhn's poorly smothered scoff at my utter inability to refuse the Dowager. I ignored her with playful hauteur - she would do no different were our positions reversed.

Dabbing her lips genteelly, my grandmother-in-law eyed the subtle swell beneath my hanbok with soft satisfaction. "And how is the little Prince or Princess today?" One weathered hand gently covered my own.

I placed our joined hands against the spot where tiny movements fluttered. "Quite boisterous, in fact! I foresee stubbornness from this one."

We smiled together over the subtle flutter of new life nestled safely within. "Well now, such persistent activity already! This little warrior soul must be most eager to rejoin us."

I nodded. "Indeed they seem rather insistent about grasping their chance this time. Much like their formidable great-grandmother!" We shared softly amused agreement that this child would enter the world with fighting spirit plenty. 

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