𝓒𝓱. 20

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"So then I set it to this setting?"
"Okay... then"


The washing machine did its thing, startling Nagi. He pokes at your shoulder.

He whispers, "Is it suppose to do that?"

"... Yes Nagi... it is...", you mumble at his ignorance.

He nods, watching in amazement how the clothes spin around in circles. You sigh at the giant's stupefaction of the washing machine, dragging him by the wrist.

"C'mon. It says it won't be ready for an hour"

You'd almost forgotten he was sick, his body letting you drag him back to his apartment. When you got there, you grabbed your own mask, fixing your hair out of the way.

He frowned, reaching out to you, "Oh— you don't have—"

"You are going to bed", you point your finger at him, "I'm almost 100% certain you stayed up last night didn't you? That probably made it worse"

"Tch, what are you my mom?"

You shrug, spraying the table with disinfectant and wiping it down, "I don't care. Just haul your ass to bed, now"

Without anymore resistance, he drags himself to bed, peeking out the door to see you picking up the trash around his apartment. His body feels hot from the fever, but looking at you clean is the true cause to his heated face.

"Jeez... does she like me...?"


"Does she like me?"


"Ew, finally killed it..."

The cockroach you had been trying to kill for the past hour finally revealed itself. You sprayed the shit out of it with bug repellent, even hitting it a few times with one of Nagi's shoes. Your grandma had always made you kill the bugs in the house, you weren't freaked out by it at this point.


"Fuck... almost forgot about the porridge..."

You set the stove to a simmer, taking off your gloves to replace them with new ones. The lemon tea is just about ready to when you last checked on it

He didn't even have anything in the fridge, I had to go get these things myself...

Carefully, you set the porridge and lemon tea on a tray, fixing your mask over your nose. You grab the utensils, holding the tray carefully as you practically waddle to his bedroom door.


The sounds of bedsheets rustling can be made out, as well as quick little footsteps. You make out what sounds like the tv turning off, your face falling into one of annoyance.

Nagi opens the door, trying to clear his raspy throat, "Um, yeah?"

You roll your eyes at him, walking under his arm to set the food on his bedside table. He sits down on his bed to look at the food, while you examine his console.

"You were playing, weren't you", you eerily turn to look at him, "Instead of sleeping like I told you..."

He was too busy enthralled with the porridge you made, reaching his hand over to eat some already. You slap his hand away, a scowl on your face.

"Hey, I was talking to you"
"Sorry... it just looks really good"

He swallowed back his saliva, a little bit of drool seeping from his mouth. It was a little hard to stay mad at him when he looked so cute like that—

my boyfriend? (nagi seishiro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now