𝓒𝓱. 36

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4 Years Ago~

Sprinting home, Jyubei called for his father over and over again. He didn't care that he wasn't in the house yet, he didn't care that all their neighbors were judging him. The words you had left him with was the only thing on his mind.

"Don't get me wrong, your Dad doing all that to you is shitty... But.."


There he was, slouched over in his chair. His head buried in his arms, holding a small photo between his thumb and index. It looked like he'd been crying, his eyes puffy, his shirt drenched. Jyubei gasped, rushing over to his father.

"D–Dad! You're not dead are you–?!"
"Course I'm not..."

He might as well have been dead. Jyubei could tell his father hadn't eaten or slept the last couple of days. He got a closer look at the picture, his heart falling at the sight of it.

"W–Why do you want to see a picture of my mom?"
"Cause I'm tryna see something... If maybe you–"

"I–Is that–?"
"Your mother..."

It was an older picture, only consisting of his parents. He could only assume it was in their high school days. Mrs. Aryu had always been beautiful, even before she was diagnosed. He didn't know his mother could have such long-luscious hair. But most importantly...

"I... I look exactly like her...", he whispered softly, his fingers reaching to caress his mother's face.

From the black of her hair, to the peach of her lips, it felt like Jyubei Aryu was looking in a mirror.

"Even your stubbornness matches hers... You really are her son..."

I don't think I'd ever seen my dad this upset, even when she passed. I could still see the mark I left on his face earlier. I remember feeling terrible. He'd never hit me before... So how could I do it so easily to him?

"Dad...?", his voice was hoarse, tears forming in his eyes, "I... I didn't mean to hit you... I'm sorry...."

Mr. Aryu pulled at the side of his hair, putting the photo down to stare up at the ceiling, "You're sorry?.... Why?...", his eyes were covered by his arm, "You don't have anything to be sorry for Jyubei–"

"I–I do though! I'm sorry for hitting you, and I'm sorry I said that I wished it was you instead of Mom... I didn't mean any of that stuff"

Mr. Aryu's eyes widened looking over at his son. He was shaking, his medium-sized hair a mess. With a heavy breath, he screams his next words at his father.

"But... But I'm not sorry about the rest of it! I'm not sorry for growing my hair out, or liking girly things! In fact, I'm sorry you're offended by it!..."

He catches that said breath, looking back at your guys' conversation that caused him to sprint over here.


"I should apologize? Why?"
"Cause you hit him? That's wrong"

Your small self sat next to him in the mud, not caring that your uniform was getting dirty.

"And you said that you wished he died... pretty messed up if you ask me...", you narrowed your eyes straight ahead from you, "However... what he did to you was also messed up"

Jyubei plays with a strand of his hair, recovering from his distraught finally. The rain around you two pours harder, making you sigh.

Jyubei frowns, "So then what? I don't apologize–?"

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