𝓒𝓱. 58

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"How the hell am I suppose to get out of here..."

The Takahashi's had given you the freedom of unbinding your wrists. You tried getting a good swing at Haruto, but he stepped back just in time, that stupid smirk on his face. You don't know how long it's been since you've been down here, but you knew one thing and one thing only.

They don't want to kill me.... That much is obvious...

It didn't take a genius to figure out that the Takahashi's wanted your fortune. After all, they killed your entire family just to get it, yet they failed. The story your grandmother would tell you always made you question the truth behind their actions. Ren had always assumed they wanted you and your parents dead. But even if that were the case, the money would've just gone back to your grandma.

"But they won't be able to get the money if I'm dead... I mean maybe I can sign it over to them...? But that would just look suspicious..."

"Talking to yourself?"

You visibly cringed at the young Takahashi brother, holding some food on a tray for you. He slid the tray over to you, making you nearly bite his head off.

"Woah... relax~ I brought you food, didn't I?"

"Yeah and you also locked me up in some weird dungeon place!", you glared at him, "Why are you doing this? I'll just give you the money when I turn eighteen, I swear–"

"That's not good enough you see..."

Haruto looks like he's spoken too much, turning away from you to lock the cell behind him. Your curiosity only grows even more, shoving the food aside.

"Hey! Answer me! Why can't I just give you the money? What's really going on here?"

Haruto keeps his back faced to you, dismissing you with a simple wave of the hand.

"Never mind that... Just make sure to eat the food..."

Of course you WERE hungry, but food was the last thing on your mind. You needed to know if your grandma was okay most importantly, then it'd be your unanswered questions; then after those two things were taken care of, that's when you could eat.

"Jeez... I can't even tell what time it is, or how long I've been down here..."

The chain around your foot would only let you get so far around your little jail cell. If you had to pee, there was a little bucket. When you got bored, all you could do was curl up into a little ball and brainstorm ideas on how to escape. Although you could never think of anything actually useful, since your brain would wander off.

Nagi... I wonder... Are you looking for me? Is grandma okay? Did Kaede ever come over to the apartment? Do Ryusei and Jyubei know what happened?

It was strange. Kaede, Ryusei, and Jyubei were all so bothersome. Shidou was always making sexual jokes, Kaede would be at your side teasing you, and Aryu would be talking over everyone. It annoyed you so much, frustrated you even... and yet....

"... dammit... I miss those idiots...", your voice cracks, curling up into a little ball on the floor.

That wasn't the worst of it though, cause if you thought about Nagi, your whole body seems to shut down. You can't imagine what he's thinking or doing right now. It sounds silly, but now you wish you'd taken him up on his offer to go to his place after the fashion show.

But if I'd done that... Then grandma would probably be dead, no?


You'd had enough of feeling sorry for yourself. You were asking yourself all these questions, and yet you couldn't think of a single idea to escape? There had to be something you could do, anything! You took a look around once more, trying to catch anything that could help you.

my boyfriend? (nagi seishiro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now