𝓒𝓱. 35

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My dad's... been a lot meaner lately...

7 Years Ago~
"D–Dad?... What happened to the skirt I had hanging in my drawer?"

Mr. Aryu didn't even look in Jyubei's direction. All he did was scrummage through his drawers, pulling a trash bag out and tossing it to him.

"It's in there"
".... It's torn to shreds..."

His father scoffed, glaring at him, "Were you going to wear it or something?"

Jyubei's entire body froze. He was angry. He'd worked hard on that skirt, and it wasn't for himself anyways...

"It... It was for my friend, Kaede...", his throat burned, feeling the tears building up.

The boy's father sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "You're quite the strange boy Jyubei... I can't seem to recall you mentioning any friends other than her. Don't you have any others?"

I wouldn't say that I was an unpopular kid. People knew me, but not for the reasons I wanted them too..

"Did ya hear about Aryu?"
"I heard his mother passed–"
"Yeah. Maybe it's cause he's a queer–"


"What the hell did you say about Jyubei you puny little bastard?!"

The two bystanders were shaking in their boots seeing Kaede toss their friend around like a sack of potatoes. Aryu intervened by grabbing her wrist, pulling her off the guy.

"K–Kaede! It's fine! Don't worry, I don't care"

She gave the guy one last kick to the stomach, before letting him scurry off down the hall with his friends. She clicked her tongue against her teeth, cracking her knuckles in the process.

"Those jerks... Does everyone at this school just like to spread lies or something!?", she shouted into the air, making the students around her question her sanity.

Aryu shushed her, terrified of the others' judgement, "Careful Kaede! You're too loud"

Between me and Kaede, she was always the more outspoken one... I thought I could be more like that too... but.. It felt like my father was tying me down...

"Please stop getting into fights for me... It's not worth it...", Aryu hands his only friend a part of his lunch, "I know what your parents do when you get into them... I don't want that for you.."

She bites into the sandwich, speaking in-between chews, "Not happening Jyubei... Who'll protect you? I know you won't do it yourself, so I will"

He can't help but feel a little offended about her comment towards him. He wanted to so badly rebuttal, but knew he couldn't cause she was right.

I was meant to make pretty dresses, design interiors, lounge in my room with trashy music playing... It's like I wasn't even a man....

"I–I hate it so much mom! Dad treats me like I can't do anything... But I can, he just doesn't like any of the things I'm good at... Why is that? He didn't have a problem with it when.... when you were around..."

No answer, other than the rustling of the wind. Talking to a gravestone was weird in theory, but it was his Mom, not just some name on a stone. He sat with his back against that said stone, unable to look at the engravings on the rock. After all, coming here in itself was enough of a reminder that she was gone.

He played with a strand of his hair, biting his lip furiously, "It's getting long again... He's gonna make me cut it soon...", he groaned into the air, "Why though?"

my boyfriend? (nagi seishiro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now