𝓒𝓱. 2

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Reo raised an eyebrow, looking in the direction Nagi faced, "Umm, who were you talking about?"

Chigiri scratched his chin, "I think he was talking about the girl that wasn't Kaede...."

"Oh! That's Y/n Ikehara!", Isagi smacked Nagi on the back, "You don't recognize her dude? She has the same P.E class as us"

Nagi was staring off into space now, rubbing his chin, "Huh... I've never noticed her before..."

"You never notice anyone Nagi", Bachira teased, "So it's no wonder you didn't know who she was"

The boys began to split off to walk to their own classes. Nagi and Reo shared a first period together, so they walked side-by-side, a plethora of girls checking them out.

"So, why'd you want to know who that girl was?", Reo held the door open for him, walking to their seats in the back of the class.

Nagi slumped in his seat, staring up at the ceiling. He completely ignored Reo's question, trying to remember how you looked. The only thing he could vividly remember was the necklace you wore. He had recognized it as the "hamsa and evil eye" symbol, something that supposedly protected you from evil.

I mean, what are the odds of that actually working though?

"Psst~ Nagi~?"

Nagi's seat mate, a girl with nice olive skin and silky brown hair, held a letter up to him, a small smile on her face.

"This is, for you..."

Nagi stared blankly at the girl, before facing the teacher, completely dismissing her and the letter. The girl got the message, biting her lip and hiding her face behind her hands.

"You know, you could stand to be a lot nicer to the girls you reject Nagi..."

Nagi rolled his eyes, taking his notebook out, "Worry about your own rejections, and I'll worry about mine... got it?"

The boys were quiet the rest of the class, focused on the lesson their English teacher was giving. All day, Nagi was bombarded by the unwanted attention of girls. Whether he was in class, walking down the hall, and even in the bathroom; they found a way to bother him. And while he was dealing with that, you were having troubles of your own.

"Oh Y/n sweetheart! Just give the boy a chance please! Will you?"
"Grandma I already said—"
"Please... just one date with him"

It was break time, which lasted roughly about thirty minutes. Your grandma had called you about this new boy she met today, that thought was the "perfect" match for you. She said this about every guy she tried setting you up with.

You returned to Kaede, hanging up the phone, "Sorry, my grandma—"

"Was trying to set you up on another one of those dates again?", she chuckled, stepping into the bathroom.

You followed after her, looking at the photo of the boy your grandma just sent, "It's seriously bothersome...", you groaned into your hand.

Kaede whipped out a cigarette, taunting it in your face, "Want some? It'll help you unwind"

You rolled your eyes, splashing cold water in your face, "No thanks... I just..."

Kaede lit the cigarette, raising it to her lips to take a puff from it. Holding her breath, she exhaled it towards the ceiling, resting her head against the wall.

"Why not just tell your grandma you don't want a boyfriend? You're always complaining about it anyways", she bring the collar of her shirt up to cough into it.

my boyfriend? (nagi seishiro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now