𝓒𝓱. 34

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"Jyubei you can't be serious–"
"I'm 100% serious!"

You were feeling a mixture of displeased and surprised. Aryu was on his knees before you, pleading over and over to convince you to do it.

"It won't last very long, I promise!"
"I am NOT making a fool of myself"
"You won't! I swear!"

A noticeable vein was popping on your forehead, trying to control the amount of anger you were feeling. The others were starting to join the two of you at your table, confused on the sight in front of them.

Kaede chuckled, snaking her arm over your shoulder, "Hey hey~ What's happening over here?"

"Tch! Nothing!", you grumbled, "Jyubei is asking the impossible of me that's what–"

"Please Y/n! I never ask you for anything dear!", he was shaking your shoulders now.

Nagi and the others looked to each other, trying to see if each other knew about what was happening. Reo spoke up, clearing his throat to interject.

"Sorry but uhh– What are you asking of her exactly?"

Aryu turned over to Reo, a pouty lip on his face, "I want her to walk the runway this Friday in MY outfit"

Shidou gasped, "Seriously?! That sounds fun!"

"I know right!? That's what I'm telling her but she won't listen", Aryu turned back over to you, "Please please please Y/n? It literally takes thirty seconds max"

"I already said no Jyubei...", you took a bite from the school lunch, before sliding it over to Kaede, who wolfed it down immediately, "Can't you just find someone else to do it for you? I'm sure Kaede would"

Your friend nodded, wiping her lips with her sleeve, "I'd do it, but what's the outfit exactly?"

Aryu shook his head, "No. It has to be you Y/n... Besides...", he walked to Kaede's side, showing her the screen that displayed the dress.

Upon seeing it, her eyes sparkled, jaw dropping in awe. She grabbed your face, squishing your cheeks together.

"Oh my god! It's gorgeous! You'd look gorgeous in it Y/n, seriously!"

You grimaced, "No way. I'm sure you'd look just as good in it"

Kaede opened her mouth, trying to come up with an excuse. She didn't deny that fact. She did think she could pull it off, not to mention the dress would compliment her figure. But...

I'm not a fan of letting everyone see the scarring on my back...

"Well, maybe that's true! But well— I'd rather see you in it", she smiled, "It looks like it was made specially for you"

She got that cheeky grin on her face, hovering her lips over your ear.

"Not to mention, I'm sure a certain someone would LOVE to see you in it~"

Your eyes caught onto Nagi, who had been sitting on your left this whole time. You could feel his curious gaze gloss over you, knowing he was thinking about Aryu's outfit. The problem for you wasn't the outfit itself, you had no clue how it looked after all. But flaunting yourself on a stage wasn't really your idea of a good time.

Clearing your throat, you shook your head, "N-No thanks... I'm good"

Aryu pouted, turning to Nagi for help instead, "C'mon Nagi! As her boyfriend, you should tell her you want to see her in my spectacular outfit on stage!"

The giant lazily peered at him from his phone, blinking slowly, "Not really my call though...", he head pats you, "It's hers.."

Ignoring the tingling feeling his hand on your head left in your heart, you sighed towards your long-haired friend, "Sorry Jyubei. I really don't feel comfortable doing it though"

my boyfriend? (nagi seishiro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now