𝓒𝓱. 43

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"... What?"

It seemed like he didn't hear you the first time, so you repeated it. Still in his arms, you planted your chin on his chest. You hoped this would work.

"C–Can I sleep over..? Please?

It took everything in Nagi's willpower not to get a nosebleed. He covered his face just in case though, not wanting you to see how flustered he was.

"Uhhh... Well I– I don't see why not– I mean!", he turned around so you wouldn't see the blood seeping through his nostril, "What would your grandma think?"

"It'll be fine. I'll just tell her I'm sleeping over Ryusei's house"

He gulped, cleaning the blood off his nose, "Well what if she calls him or something–?"

"I'll tell her Kaede is sleeping over too! She'll cover for me"

Visible sweat started to drip down his forehead, clearing his throat, "Well my apartment's pretty dirty–"

"I'll help you clean it, don't worry"

No matter how many obstacles he hurdled your way, you seemed dead set on going over to his house. His mind thought back to the sex shop you had walked in with your friends. Was it possible that you wanted to...?

NO! There's no way she's thinking that, right? But then why else would she want to... No! Stop thinking stuff like that...

"If you're sure about this then yeah... You can sleep over..."

You smiled again, this one looking prettier than the last. You texted your friend right away about your plan, making sure she wouldn't get the wrong idea.

i need you to cover for mepls


"I thought you said this was fun–"
"It's not?!"

Kaede and Reo sat on his living room floor, playing a simple game of chess. He had convinced her to play, claiming it'd be entertaining. She took him up on that offer, only to get bored within the first ten minutes.

Reo held up one of the pieces, a frown on his face, "Chess is so fun! Seizing the other people's team, trying to kill the King. What's not fun about that?"

"It's not fun when you're losing and have no idea what's going on", she motions to all the pieces she's lost.

Reo opens his mouth to say something, but doesn't have a rebuttal against that. After all, he's the same way. He hates losing, he's used to getting what he wants. Still, he's happy just to be in his girlfriend's presence.

"I'm confused about the queen though. Why can she move any direction she wants and however much she wants, but the King can't? Seems counterintuitive, don't you think?"

Reo shrugs, holding the chess piece up, "I dunno. Seems fitting though. The Queen is way better than the King"

Kaede scoffs, holding up another chess piece, "If I was a chess piece, I'd be one of these little guys"

"Definitely not, that's a pawn"

Kaede was quiet, holding the chess piece in the palm of her hand. It looked so small, so weak, fitting for a pawn.

She made her next move, sacrificing one of the pawns, "This whole time, I've just been sacrificing these little guys to protect my other pieces. It's not important"

For some reason, Reo moved his knight, even though moving it didn't do a thing.

"Then if I were a chess piece, I'd be the knight", he moved it so that it was directly in front of Kaede's pawn, "After all, knight's protect those that are weak, right?"

my boyfriend? (nagi seishiro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now