𝓒𝓱. 11

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A week. One week since your fake relationship with Nagi had started. It was surprisingly easier than expected. Other than the nasty looks from other girls, your schedule with Nagi fell into place perfectly.

Walk to class together, eat lunch together, hangout at least once during the week together, it's all so easy... Huh, maybe this isn't as hard as I initially thought...

"Y/n~! Hey! Are you gonna eat that?"

Your usual rowdy table was louder than usual. With the addition of Nagi's friends, everything seemed more chaotic.

"Isagi look! I can make milk squirt out of my nose!"
"Please don't Bachira..."
"No no! Please show us bumble bee!"

Shidou surprisingly got along well with them. People were usually off put by him, but you were glad to see there was people that didn't exactly hate him at the school.

"So Mikage~ Mind lending me your Chem notes?"
"Uhh, sure... I don't mind..."

Reo was continuously bashful around your friend, which made you sick considering Kaede was completely oblivious. For someone as suggestive and flirty as herself, she sure as hell couldn't take the hint when it came to Reo's feelings.

"Please let me! I'm telling you you'd look glam—!"
"Not interested. I'm busy with soccer"

Aryu's lips pouted, unable to convince Chigiri to model his clothing designs for his club. Despite how glad you were that your friends could get along with people that weren't you, you were a little worried for when this charade would end.

I hope they don't grow too attached to this routine. It's not like we're actually dating, but even after we pretend to break up, we have to pretend like we're awkward around each other...

A cold calloused hand pressed up against your cheek, making you jump a little.

"Oh, sorry... Reo was asking you something"

You glared at the owner of the hand, Nagi, who was eating his turkey sandwich with a blank stare. You were convinced there wasn't a single thought behind those eyes, staring into nothing but oblivion. Reo rubbed the nape of his neck, saying his next words carefully.

"Did you know about our game today?"

"Hm? Oh... no I didn't..." you munch on your carrot stick.

Jaws dropped, all heads turned to the two of you. The both of you were too busy eating your lunches to even care, not realizing your friends were staring silently at you.

It was Isagi who broke the silence, "Nagi! You seriously didn't tell Ikehara about our game?"

Bachira huffed, expressing his disappointment in his friend, "Yeah seriously?! You don't want your girlfriend to see your awesome skills on the field?!"

Eyes fell on Nagi, pressuring him for an answer. He could only blink slowly in response, munching on his own carrot stick as he played some rhythm game on his phone.

"Oh, that... I forgot to tell her"

The boys smacked their foreheads, genuinely astounded by Nagi's clueless behavior. Shidou was laughing hysterically, pretending to wipe a tear from his eye.

"Oh boy! You guys really don't know Y/n do you!"

They all looked confused, minus your friends, and Nagi, who was silently cursing the rhythm game.

Kaede clicked her tongue, tapping at her temple, "Y/n isn't a fan of soccer. She hates it in fact"

Aryu curled a strand of hair with his finger, "She's never gone with us to watch Shidou, so I doubt she'd go to watch Nagi"

my boyfriend? (nagi seishiro x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora