𝓒𝓱. 30

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12 Years Ago~
"Ryusei, what's wrong? You haven't touched your food"

Shidou picked at the food on his plate, eyes thinned as if he were thinking about something. He'd come home from the park like this, not touching his food, barely saying anything.

His father cleared his throat, "Ryusei, if you're getting bullied again, then—"

"Hm? Oh! It's not that Dad!", his eyes light up, a wicked grin on his face, "I met this super cool badass girl today!"

His mother chuckled, "You have a little crush on her or something?"

He gagged, "What?! No! She totally put those jerks in their place. I swear I saw one of them crying!"

His parents didn't push him any further, knowing their son's daily life was always questionable. They did their best, although raising Ryusei Shidou was a whole other level of parenting. They were also aware of their son's homosexuality, not really caring enough to mention it.

Shidou finally stabbed the fork into his meal, licking his lips, "She's gonna be my friend!"


Her hair was h/c... and she had big round eyes.... But I don't see her!

Shidou was looking around his school's campus for you. He was sure someone as cool as you attended the same school as him.

"Dammit.. I didn't get her age..."

A scary thought emerged, what if you didn't go to the same school? Sure he considered that a possibility, but his positivity got the better of him. Even if you guys didn't go to the same school, he was determined to find you.

Cause her and I...

"We're soulmates—!"
"Can you move?"

He screamed, hugging the wall of the hallway. His shriek died when he made eye contact with you, your face much less menacing. Shidou awed at he sight of you, grabbing your face to squish your cheeks.

"Y–You're.... You're that girl from the other day!"

You were so tiny, it made Shidou want to put you in his pocket. You wore the traditional school uniform most kindergartners did, much to his surprise.

"Are you younger than me? And you stood up to those bullies?!", his grip on your face tightened, "You're even cooler than I thought!"

"Let me go...", you pout, trying to pry his hands off, "Before I bite you"

Not wanting to get hurt, he listened. You rubbed your cheeks, walking around him to get to the girl's bathroom.

Shidou grabbed your hand, "Let's be friends!"

Your small self scrunches her nose in disgust, sticking her tongue out, "Why?"

"Cause you're awesome!", Shidou shakes your hand up and down, "Please, please, please, please, please!

The other kids in the hall were starting to stare. It's not like you were embarrassed to be seen with him, but the guy was starting to get on your last nerves. Even as a five year old, you didn't seem to have patience for anyone.

"Ugh! Lemme go!"
"Just let me–OW!"

He was kicked, right on the balls. He tumbled over to his knees, coughing and groaning. Your lips curled into a snarling frown, stomping into the girl's bathroom and slamming the stall door.

Who the hell even is that guy?


"Can you leave me alone?"
"No! I'm telling you, we're soulmates!"

my boyfriend? (nagi seishiro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now