𝓒𝓱. 40

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"He asked you what?!"
"Come over after the runway?"

Aryu and Shidou smirked knowingly at each other, making kissing noises at Kaede. Your friend cringed, pushing them away as the four of you walked through your apartment door.

Giving them a good smack on the head, you got started on dinner, "The both of you shut up. I'm sure Mikage doesn't have any ill intent with that request"

They paid you no mind whatsoever, analyzing the vibrator Kaede had bought for herself, much to your dismay. You were wondering why she picked that one out of all of them, but you didn't feel like hearing about the different kinds of vibrators.

"Why do you think he's inviting me over?"

Kaede had been cutting some carrots for the stew, her eyes glued to you. You only shrugged, getting the water to boil at the right temperature.

"Dunno. Didn't you say he wanted to cook for you one day? Maybe that's why?"

Kaede nodded, believing your idea instead of theirs. I mean, it's crazy to think that Reo would invite her to have–

"What makes you think he's not inviting her over for sex Y/n?"

You threw the ladle at him, hitting Shidou right on the nose. He screamed in pain, Aryu too busy going through the different modes of the vibrator to pay attention.

"Don't listen to those idiots Kaede. From what you've told me, Mikage is a gentleman. He won't force you into anything"

It's true. Through and through, Reo Mikage was the perfect gentleman. Kaede knew that all too well, but...

"What if... What if I wanted him to try something on me?"

You nearly cut your finger off hearing that, eyes wide with curiosity, "Huh?! What do you mean you want him to try something?"

Kaede shook her head, taking the knife away from you so she could cut the vegetables herself, "I mean it more like... It's just... I need the validation..."

You feel your face fall, reaching out to squeeze her shoulder, "Kaede? You know that sex isn't–"

"Necessary in a relationship, I know...", she sighed, chewing on her lip out of habit, "Trust me, I get it now... Mikage's helped me bit by bit to understand that... But now..."

She shuffled closer, your eyebrows furrowing. Was she gonna tell you a secret of some sort? You shifted closer as well, letting her cup your ear and whisper hoarsely into it.

"I just want to have sex with him–"
"Ew! Kaede! I didn't need to know that!"
"It's not the same as before though!"

You stopped struggling to move away from her, pausing on your cooking all together. Shidou and Aryu were messing around with the vibrator, giggling at how fast it can move. You rolled your eyes dismissively, grabbing her wrist and bringing her to your room where the two of you could speak in private. Once there, you sat her on the edge of the bed, standing before her with your arms crossed. You nodded, a sign for her to continue what she was saying.

She crossed her legs, her face growing red, "Before... I'd have sex with just about anybody. I felt like... I NEEDED to have sex... But with Mikage... It's not that I need to, I just want to"

The corner of your mouth tugged up, a chuckle escaping your lips, "Jeez. You really have it bad for him don't you?"

She groaned, jumping off the bed and back to the kitchen, "Ugh! Forget this, I'm just gonna use the vibrator right now–"

"Not in my house you're not!", you chased after her, while she just cackled at your response.


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