𝓒𝓱. 21

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(TW: Abuse, Slurs)

I've never understood it... why people lie... It's only ever brought pain and suffering to those around me...


11 Years ago:
"Takahashi, principal's office, now!"

Multiple "oooh's" reverberated through the classroom, looking back at a little girl with messy brown hair. The little girl looked around, confused on why she was being called up. When she got to the principal's office, three boys who looked bloodied and beat up sat in a row.

"Takahashi. Take a seat please, we need to have a word with you...", the principal beckoned.

The small child did as she was told, albeit still unsure as to why she was there.

"Adachi here says you beat up him and his friends, is that true?"


She shakes her head, looking down at her toes, "No, I didn't"

The principal growls, slapping his hand to his desk, "Don't play dumb with me Takahashi! These boys said you did it! So why are you lying?!"

"I'm not lying!", she screams back, pointing at the three boys, "They are! I don't even know them!"

"Don't listen to her sir!"
"She was definitely the one who did it!"
"Just look what she did to us!"

Her words fell on deaf ears, the principal calling her parents to suspend her. Takahashi's body trembled the entire time her parents talked to the principal, knowing they were keeping a calm facade on purpose.

"We understand sir"
"We'll do whatever it takes to make sure our daughter understands"


It was dark, and cold in that room. That's all she remembers. That and the several gashes on her back, the burning feeling leaving her until the next day. But who was to say they wouldn't do this again.

"Kaede! We've told you time and time again... do NOT cause us trouble!"

The whip hit her again, making her hiss in pain. She wasn't allowed to cry, not when her parents were there at least.

"Our family name already looks bad! Do you want to make us look even worse?! Well?!"

It hit even harder, making the small child fall flat on her face. Her entire body was shaky, struggling to even stand on her own two feet. She could barely see anything, her tears blurring her vision.

"I... I didn't do anything...", she croaks out, hugging her stomach as she sobs on the floor.

Through her pain and tears, she sees the whip still on the floor, her blood fresh on it. Her tiny fingers wrap around the end of it, remembering why she was whipped in the first place....


Moans of anguish and sobs fill a random back alley. Three elementary school boys had been on their way back from school, when they were lured into an alleyway by a topless girl. They say curiosity killed the cat, and while it certainly didn't kill them, it proved to be fatal.

"P—Please stop—!"


Right on the mouth. Despite all the gashes and bruises they had, it couldn't compare to the little girl. Her entire back stained with blood and open cuts, as well as some scars. The three of them couldn't even recognize her with all that blood on her face, a truly lifeless expression.

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