𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝓾𝓮 ఌ

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"Hun! Were you able to put her to bed?!"
"Working on it!"

Late in the evening, it was quiet in the suburbs of Osaka. A young couple had been woken up from their deep slumber by their baby. With his wife working in the morning, Haruki let her rest up while he comforted his crying child, her sounds wailing throughout the neighborhood.

"Shhhh... c'mon now sweetie... Mommy has work in the morning, you don't want to make her all sleepy tomorrow, right?", he cooed at his crying baby.

Their child was born fairly recently, and she cried all the time. She needed constant attention, more than what was normal of a newborn baby. Sure newborns needed the constant attention, but this one seemed to take that to a whole other level.

"Hush little baby don't you cry, Papa's going to sing you a lull"


Haruki nearly choked hearing that. The idea that someone had broken their window made him shudder. His baby started whimpering, her lip puckered as her cheeks puffed up.

"Shhh shhh sweetie don't cry.... Daddy's gonna be alright, okay? Just shhhh....."

Haruki calmed his whimpering baby, but the sound of feet jumping on the floor made his back crawl, his blood run cold. If he didn't have people he needed to protect, he surely would've been petrified in that moment. Before he knew it, he had pulled out his phone, dialing 9-1-1 as he locked the door.

"9-1-1 what's your"

"Please... send help... 745 Eastwood St... I repeat, 745 Eastwood St.... hurry...", he whispered into the phone, cradling his baby in his other arm.

"Very well sir, we'll be there as quick as we can"

The officer was smart enough to whisper back to him, hanging up and sending a squad out to the residency. Haruki sighed in relief, but now he had another problem to face... his wife in the room down the hall. Surely she had heard the glass break, so she must have some idea of what's happening, right? Haruki wanted to so badly peek out the room, but talked himself out of it when he realized how stupid of an idea that truly was.

He muttered his voice, sitting in the corner with his now sleeping baby, "Maybe I can text her to sneak out the window....? I really don't like the idea of her being alone—"

"Hun? What happened? Did you drop something?"

Shit... Shit, shit, SHIT!

The sound of multiple whispers could be heard through the other side of the wall, a flurry of feet running down the hall now to follow the sound of the tired voice.

"Oh shit.. oh fuck!", Haruki's voice cracked, struggling up off the ground.

His baby blinked in confusion, her doe eyes staring off blankly at the ceiling. She had no idea how screwed they were in this situation. She watched unknowingly as her father paced aimlessly around the room, a loud "thud" could be heard.

"F—Fuck.... what do I—?"
"No! Let me go!"

The sounds of his screaming wife made him want to rip his organs out. She was crying, pleading for whoever it was that was dragging her down the hall to let her go. Haruki was shaking, his ears bleeding as he heard his wife shout at the men.

"The police are coming! I'm sure of it! Get the hell out of here!", his wife, Fumiko, yelled with tears in her eyes.


He winced at the sound of his wife hitting the floor, her body twitching as she tried getting back up. Her eyes were red from her tears and rage, using the last of her strength to claw at the intruder's leg.

my boyfriend? (nagi seishiro x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu