𝓒𝓱. 18

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"And would you look at that! Nagi Seishiro misses another shot!"

The white fringed boy had been missing shots all game. Luckily for him, some of his teammates made up for it. Their opposing team was neck-to-neck, 4-4. It was their ball now though, and only ten minutes remained.

"Nagi c'mon man! Get your head in the game!"

Reo smacked him on the back, trying to get his attention. Nagi only panted, chewing on the collar of his jersey out of irritation.

Sae whispered over to Reo, "If he keeps acting like this, we'll have to bench him for the next game"

Isagi shook his head, "Give him a break man. He had a fight with his girlfriend"

"We didn't fight", Nagi muttered, "I just..."

He circled the palm of his hand with his thumb, catching his breath after that play. Reo and Isagi looked at each other, feeling bad for their friend.

Sae clicked his tongue, dismissing what they said, "I don't care what happened. He needs to start playing right or he's benched"

Sae left them with that news hanging over their head, Reo gritting his teeth. He gave Nagi a good smack on the head, fixing his ponytail afterwards.

"C'mon man, lighten up. If you really did have a fight with Ikehara, then try making up"

Nagi wiped his sweat off with his shirt, the girls in the crowd screaming. Don't get him wrong, he DID want to have a talk with you about this. But, that guy...

Michael fucking Kaiser....

Nagi hated how he was feeling, cause he felt like he had no right. Why'd he hate the guy? For being forward with you? It's not like you two were actually dating, so he couldn't technically get mad at that. And if you did end up liking him, then he'd have no say in the matter.

"Nagi the kick off watch out!"

He only groaned, using his elite ball control to take it from the opposing team. However, he hadn't been feeling it the whole game, choosing to pass it to Isagi instead.

Ah shit... I can't think straight like this...

He clenched his fist, his anger seeping through. He never gets angry, so why now? Was he pretending to get angry for the sake's of appearance? Was his mind forcing him to act like this so he could play the perfect pretend boyfriend?

"Ryusei Shidou scores! And that's the game!"

The rest of the team congratulate Shidou on scoring, with Nagi immediately walking back to the locker rooms. He can't even be bothered to cheer with them, all out of energy for the night.

I'm just gonna go home, pet Choki, play some games, then sleep... I should shower first actually...

Nagi slipped his jacket back on, stepping outside, the cool breeze hitting his face.

"Jeez... it's colder than I thought it'd be.."

He pulls out his phone to play his usual PvP game, but a scurry of footsteps makes him pause. It was dark and he was alone, making him put his phone away. If it came down to it, he was quite muscular, and could fend the attacker off.

my boyfriend? (nagi seishiro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now