𝓒𝓱. 52

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"I feel like I'm about to throw up..."
"What, are you pregnant–?"
"No I am not!"

The fashion show was nearing its end, both you and Jyubei eating snacks backstage. Maybe it was your over excessive eating, or maybe it was just post-nerves; but you were feeling nauseous.

"Jeez okay you're not pregnant!", Aryu gets defensive, "I was joking anyways, why'd you take it so seriously..."

You open another bag of chips, stuffing your face, "Cause Kaede already made that joke and I didn't find it funny one bit"

Aryu laughs, "That does sound like her. But you seem awfully more conscience of that question... Did something perhaps–?"

"N–No! Nothing at all", you cough into your elbow, "It's just– It's a weird accusation to make, okay?", you cover your mouth as you speak.

Aryu doesn't press on any further, understanding that you don't want to talk about it. The final model walks backstage, the announcer concluding the end of the fashion show. All the girls in the club–plus Aryu of course– erupt into squeals of joy.

"Oh-em-gee President! The crowd loved our works!"
"Yeah! I can't believe it!"
"Maybe we'll get recognized?!"

It was funny yet nice to see your friend in his natural habitat. Compared to the other wackos in your group, Aryu was probably the most "normal" one. Sure most people would assume it was you, but to be frank, Aryu always had a special talent of getting along with people.

I always tend to forget Jyubei has friends other than me, Kaede, and Ryusei... I always assume he's a loser like the three of us with no friends other than ourselves...

"Dear? It's picture time, c'mon!"

So lost in thought, you hadn't realized the photography club came to take your guys' pictures. You posed with Jyubei rather stiffly, not sure how posing for a normal photo would look. When they finished, you sighed in relief.

"God, I probably looked so awkward..."

Aryu is too busy taking a selfie with one of his club member's to realize you're talking to him right away. He clears his throat when he realizes you weren't just talking to yourself, trying to play it off like he was listening the whole time.

"N–Nonsense! You looked fine! You should be used to taking pictures by now–"

"Huh?", you scoff, "Why would I?"

"Well, don't you take pictures with Nagi?"

Hmm.... I've never given it much thought, but I guess that is something couples would do... Okay then, it's settled...

"Huh, you're right...", you clap your hands together, "If that's the case, then my next mission is to get him to take a picture with me"

Aryu looks around, confused on who you're talking to, until he realizes that seemed to be you voicing your thoughts out loud.

"Okay then....", he pats your back, "Wanna get out of this dress now? I'm sure it's getting tiring walking in heels"

You scoff, "I'm getting used to them thank you very much! Watch!", you start pacing fast up and down backstage.

You got too cocky though, tripping on your own foot and falling forward.



A gasp can't help but leave you when you look up to see your boyfriend. He looks a lot more handsome than he usually does. Perhaps it's the hair not being in his face...

my boyfriend? (nagi seishiro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now