𝓒𝓱. 50

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"EEEH! You look so cute Y/n!"
"Ugh.. Don't scream like that..."

Jyubei's dress fits you like a glove. You had no problems slipping it on, and luckily, the dress didn't seem to be too revealing.

Thank god for that cause I don't know how I would've explained all the markings on my chest...

The only revealing area was your back, and Nagi had strayed away from there last night. Jyubei offered you his hand, which you gladly accepted to step off the little podium.

"C'mon. We're doing a rehearsal in the auditorium", he seemed to be brighter than usual, "Really dear, I can't thank you enough for agreeing to do this"

Aryu seems so happy about this, and you really are trying your best, but your conscience is eating you up. Everything you thought you knew wasn't making sense anymore.

Nagi's right... She probably hid it for a reason, just like I hid my last name from them... But why? I mean, I never told her about Haruto either, so I can't really blame her for that... But you'd think being friends with someone would mean they'd tell you a little about their family... Now that I think about it, Kaede's never really told me anything about her family–

"Y/n dear? What's the matter? You're a lot quieter than usual"

You hadn't realized how far behind the two of you were compared to the other girls in the club. Aryu had this worrisome expression on his face, trying to figure out what was wrong.

You forced out a laugh, trying to change the subject, "Oh uhh... Just tired, that's all..."

Your friend simply stares at you, before giving your hand a small squeeze, "You know... you and Kaede are so much alike..."

There's a buzzing in your ears, what did he mean by that? This certainly wasn't helping the dilemma you were having.

"W–What are you talking about?", you scoffed, yanking your hand away from his, "Kaede and I... we're nothing alike... like at all.."

You start walking again, trying to catch up with the rest of the fashion club. Aryu walks pace with you, looking down at his feet.

"You both lie... You never let me in...", he tries laughing it off, "Honestly, it's a little hard for me sometimes–"

"Don't you think it's hard for me too?"

The icy tone of your voice sends chills down his spine. Aryu wasn't expecting you to clap back in such a harsh manner.

"Dear, what are you–?"

"It's really hard for me too Jyubei, okay?", you felt like you were losing your sanity, tugging at the sides of your hair, "It's hard not telling you guys these things, it's hard pretending I'm okay.... Everything lately feels like shit, and I honestly don't know what to do about it"

Jyubei could see– no– he could HEAR the distress you were feeling. He noticed how off you'd been lately. You were always quiet and awkward, but nowadays it felt like you were doing it on PURPOSE. From the three friends you had, Aryu was probably the most tolerable. It surprised even yourself how you hadn't told him anything.

"But... no one told you to do that"

You stop, glancing over your shoulder to see him giving you an almost disappointed stare. It's like he's judging you, but that can't be true, can it?

"Who told you to keep it all in Y/n? Was it Ryusei? Or maybe even Kaede? I doubt it was Nagi...", he grimaces, "And I know I didn't... so who did?"

"N–No one I just–"
"Then why are you holding it in?"

my boyfriend? (nagi seishiro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now