𝓒𝓱. 33

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"Oh wow~ Then what happened~?"
"Nothing happened!"
"You sure? You can tell us you know–"
"Oh god..."

Regret washed over you as you told your friends about what happened after they left yesterday. You had decided to tell them because you felt bad for lying to them this whole time, although Shidou was the only one who knew that. In trying to make it up to them, you had forgotten how obnoxious they truly were.

"Do you need birth control? I have some you know", Kaede was already rummaging through her bag, much to your dismay.

"N–No I don't need any of that", you zipped her bag shut.

Shidou grinned, "Oooh~ You takin it raw?"


Aryu seemed to be your saving grace as he was the only one not saying anything about the matter. He seemed too preoccupied with something on his phone to bother adding onto their relentless teasing.

Kaede tried peeking over his shoulder, "Whatcha doin there Jyubei?"

Aryu was quick to hide his screen, hissing at her, "No! It's not ready yet!"

The three of you peered at each other, a little put off by your friend's hostility. Aryu cleared his throat, running his fingers through that luscious hair of his.

"I–I mean... Sorry dears, it's just..."

You all stood awkwardly at the lockers, awaiting his announcement. With a nervous smile, he clapped his hands enthusiastically.

"The fashion club's request for an annual runway was accepted. It's going to be THIS Friday"


The three of you screamed, earning hushes and from the students around you. Shidou and Kaede jumped at Aryu, hugging and congratulating him on his achievement. Since his 1st year, he'd been desperately trying to get this approved, and he finally made it happen.

You jumped on him last, laughing along with your friends, "That's great Jyubei!"

From afar was the soccer team, watching in amusement from your little group's outburst. The rest of the hall was filled with bothered students, secretly judging you all.

Bachira giggled, "Wow. Something exciting must be happening if Ikehara is also getting pumped"

Isagi whistled, "Tell me about it... I wonder what it is.."

Reo's face lit up just watching Kaede have a good time. She looked so cute smiling and laughing with her friends.

"Well at least ONE of you seems happy...", Chigiri mumbled, closing his locker.

The boys felt an eerie presence beside them. Nagi's aura was noticeably darker than usual. His already blank face was much more malicious than usual. It didn't take a genius to know he was feeling a little upset.

Reo took it upon himself to check up on him, "Ah, what's wrong with you now big guy? Ikehara is laughing, you should be happy"

Nagi's mouth formed its signature 'x', "I've never been able to make her laugh like that... or smile for that matter...."

Bachira smirked, "Uh-oh~ Trouble in paradise?"

Isagi hit his friend on the shoulder, scolding him, "Don't say that Bachira", he turned to give Nagi a thumbs up, "Don't worry Nagi! Ikehara rarely smiles to begin with. She probably doesn't mean it offensively"

Nagi can't help but sulk further, Isagi's words not cheering him up. Reo can't lie, he understands where his friend is coming from. Since he was a kid, he always got what he wanted. Sure it sounds spoiled, but it's not like he wanted everything that was given to him. Kaede Takahashi was the first person he truly wanted. Now that he had her, he realized he didn't like sharing, especially her smile and laughter.

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