𝓒𝓱. 13

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"Tokyo.... Loft... Tokyo—Oh, there it is..."

The apartment complex illuminated in the dark, Nagi had reached his destination. He sighed with relief, as it was starting to get chilly outside. He made his way to the management building, where the most exhausted man he's ever seen was sitting at the desk. He was typing away at something when the bell dinged to let him know someone had walked in.

"I swear if you're here to tell me you're late with the rent again Aoki, I swear, I'm gonna—Oh, uhh, can I help you?"

"Yeah I... uhhh...", Nagi struggled to even speak a coherent sentence.

For someone so big and "intimidating", Nagi Seishiro's biggest weakness was socialization. The guy could barely hold a conversation with his friends, let alone a stranger. Luckily for him, the manager peeked up from the counter to get a better look at what he was carrying. He immediately recognized your face, his mouth forming an 'o'.

"Is that Ikehara? Why do you have her?", he was already ringing up someone on the phone.

Nagi held you closer to him, eyes shifting down to your face, "She fell asleep after my soccer game. I took her here"

The manager waved his hand, squeezing the phone between his ear and shoulder, "Yeah yeah whatever kid... Ren, is that you? Uh-huh... Yeah some kid just walked in with Y/n dead asleep in his arms... No it's not the one with the long hair or the gay one..."

Nagi could make out what sounded like a beep, assuming the call ended. A couple minutes later, the front door was slammed open, making Nagi almost drop you. A woman with h/c hair with a few gray strands kicked the door open. She wore a tight tank top and loose shorts, a scowl on her face.

"Alright where's the kid?"
"Right there you old hag—"
"Who are you calling hag?!"

She gave the manager a good smack to the head, scolding him for treating her like some ancient fossil. Nagi felt a shiver go down his spine, almost like he was getting dejavu.

"And you!", her hostility was targeted towards him now, "Just who are you and what are you doing with my granddaughter? Are you one of her new friends or something?"

Your eyebrows furrowed, a small whine emitting from your lips. Nagi eyed the woman known as Ren, mouthing the word "quiet".

"Umm... she's asleep... If you could yell less louder, that'd be nice", he mumbled, trying to rock you back to sleep.

Ren snorted, "She's not a baby. You can't just—"

Your lips smacked, your head turning back to his chest to snuggle into it. Ren clicked her tongue, nodding her head in approval.

"I stand corrected...", she raised an eyebrow, "Now tell me who you are mystery boy, before I call the cops"

"Uhh don't do that... I didn't mean any harm, I'm—"

Wait, how should I introduce myself? Did Ikehara ever tell her grandma about us? Is this really her grandma? She looks so young...

"You gonna answer my question or stutter till you're in handcuffs?", she tapped her foot impatiently, unimpressed

Nagi shook his head, off-put by this woman, "No I'm... I'm her uhh—...", he shut his eyes, slowly peeking one open, "Her boyfriend..."

If it was possible for one person's face to morph at the speed of light, then Ren achieved it. She was both shocked and mortified, then embarrassed, smacking a hand to her forehead.

"Jesus... you could've said that from the start"

"Well you didn't really give me a chance to explain myself...", his mouth forms an 'x'.

my boyfriend? (nagi seishiro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now