𝓒𝓱. 47

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"Ooohh! Are you excited yet?"
"No, the complete opposite in fact..."

As the school day got closer and closer to the end, the pit in your stomach only grew deeper. It was too late to back out now, but it's not like you wanted to. You wanted nothing more than to help Jyubei with this. As you walked towards your guys' usual lunch table, Kaede was trying to figure out how to settle your nerves.

"Do you have a stomach ache or what?"
"No... just feeling nauseous..."
"Oh god. You're not pregnant are you–?"


"Ow!", she rubbed her head, pretending to cry, "I was only joking!"

"Well that wasn't funny", you glare at her, "Remember don't–"

"Tell Jyubei or Ryusei about your late night activities with Nagi", she finishes your sentence, sighing in defeat, "I know I know..."

While Kaede digs into the school's crappy lunch, you realize that you're the first two to show up. It is a little weird, but you don't think much of it. Jyubei and Ryusei join you two shortly, followed by the first of Nagi's friends to arrive.

"Huh? Where's everybody else?", Isagi asks, eyes scanning the cafeteria in search of his friends.

The four of you shrug, resuming on eating the poorly made cafeteria food. Soon enough, Chigiri arrives, taking his usual seat next to Isagi.

"Where's Bachira?"
"Huh? How should I–?"

A hard "thud!" resonates in the air, Bachira running straight into Isagi's back. The poor boy nearly coughs up his food from the impact, scowling at his friend.

"Meguru!? What the hell?", he tries prying him off, "Why'd you do that?"

Bachira squeals in delight, hugging Isagi too hard to the point his face turns blue, "Oh wow! You actually used my given name!"

You point towards his face, "Umm... Bachira? His face is turning blue..."

Isagi silently thanks you for preventing his suffocation in Bachira's arms. Everyone minus Reo and Nagi are here now, and you can only wonder why.

"Hey Kaede, did Mikage mention doing anything after his fourth period?", you give her the remainder of your food.

She chows down immediately, wiping her lips with her sleeves before she speaks, "Uhh... not that I can think of. Why?"

Strange... He hasn't texted me either. Well, other than when he asked for my permission to tell Mikage about his first time, he hasn't said anything else...


You pull out your phone, thinking it was Nagi finally texting you back. You click on the little message icon, only to be met with a terrible sight.

your boyfriend hasn't shown up?
that's too bad

"Y/n? Where are you going?", Jyubei calls out to you, but you don't appear to be listening.

Instead, you're pushing through the crowd of students, desperate to find Nagi. You'd hoped that he'd be in line getting lunch, and the stalker was just playing some stupid prank on you. Alas, he's nowhere in sight, and now you're really panicking.

SHIT! Shit, shit, shit! Where is he? He's not picking up my calls...


"You had sex?!"
"Yell it out, why don't you..."

On the school roof where no one was around, two boys were having a very private conversation. After getting your approval, Nagi decided to tell Reo what you two did last night. It wasn't as hard as he imagined it to be. He was straightforward with it, but I guess that wasn't really the best way to go about it cause Reo was currently sitting on the ground with his hands on his head.

my boyfriend? (nagi seishiro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now