𝓒𝓱. 28

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(Disclaimer: I didn't have an exact date for when the start of this fic happened. It was roughly around the beginning of August. Right now I wanna say it'd be near the end of September, so please bare with me here😭)

"Really? You'd let me be your boyfriend?!"

Reo nearly fell on his face crawling over to Kaede, who in turn shuffled her knees over to him.

"Are you okay Mikage?!", she asked concernedly, "You almost got a mouthful of dirt—"

His strong arms wrapped around her, making her brain malfunction. She could feel how toned his body really was now. With her ear planted on his chest, she could hear the terrible pounding of his heart.

"Oh wow! What's today's date? It's the... 25th of September! I'll remember this day forever...", Reo started rambling on.

Do I hug him back? What should I say?

Deciding to keep to herself, her hands remained to her own chest, still shivering from the breeze. Reo took notice, pulling away to slide his hoodie off. Kaede watched him reveal his arms to her, counting the veins she could see despite it being dark.

"Here, take that one off"

Nervous, she took the hoodie, looking down at the plain black design. It looked more or less the same to Jyubei's, except for the scent.

"Oh, right!"

Kaede slipped out of the hoodie quickly, forgetting she was wearing her school shirt. Reo didn't get to say anything though, as he was at a lost for words when the hoodie slipped onto her perfectly.

"Oh... It's pretty warm..."

She still sat on the floor, looking at her hands that were covered by the sleeves. The hoodie fit her much differently compared to Aryu's. I mean, the two of them had a similar body type, so it made sense. Reo's however.... it made her heart race just thinking how much bigger he was than her. Sure Aryu was taller, but Reo was built more than the both of them combined.

"C'mere", he stretched his hand out to her.

Kaede cleared her throat, taking his hand, "Aren't you cold?"

The boy snorts, shaking his head as he lift her off the ground with one arm, "Nah, I'm good. Coach makes us practice in the rain sometimes, so I'm used to this type of weather"

She realized he hadn't let go of her hand, making her eyebrow raise. Kaede motioned at their conjoined hands, Reo letting go immediately with a panicked expression.

"Shit! Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable...", he bows his head, "I jumped the gun there didn't I?"

She shakes her head, rubbing her forearm, "No... you didn't... I just didn't think you'd do that in a relationship"

Reo frowns, tilting his head quizzically, "What do you think people do in relationships?"

She shrugs, "Have sex—"

The blood rushes to his face, gawking and shaking his head furiously, "Well that's for like... Uhhh... Like WAYY later. We don't have to worry about that stuff for now"

Reo holds his hand out to her once more, a lopsided smile on his face.

"For now... let's just do stuff like this, yeah?"

Kaede glances down, putting his sleeve in his hand. Reo chuckles, folding the sleeve down so he her hand is in view. Their fingers interlock, a small smile on his face.

"Much better... C'mon... Let's find the others..."


"Uhh, I don't know how to end this..."

my boyfriend? (nagi seishiro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now