𝓒𝓱. 56

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There was only one thing on their minds.... getting you back. They were desperate to try anything, even something as illegal as this.


Kaiser's house was just like she remembered. She wanted to forget this house, this man, erase it from her memory. However, it seemed like the world was against that, cause here she was standing on his front porch once more. She waited out there for him for a solid five minutes, before he answered with that conniving grin of his.

"Ah~ Kaede, been awhile..."

It's like he was trying to seduce her, wearing nothing but some sweats. It looked like he just got out of the shower, hair dripping water over his face. Kaede didn't bat an eye however, looking at him with little to no interest.

"You said I could come over... So can I come in?"

"Why do you want to?", his face dipped down to her level, "Did you come back for a good time? I heard you're dating that Mikage guy. He can't please you or something?"

She shook her head, "No but... I do have something to say about him... Can we talk inside?"

Kaiser's lips thinned, not pleased by her bluntness. He could always get a good read on people, it was something he prided himself in. However, the girl he left used and battered all those years ago seemed so unreadable.

With a heavy sigh, he opens the door wider, "Fine fine, you can come in..."

Kaede bowed her head, stepping in with zero hesitance. The interior design was much different compared to back then. She saw the couch they used to make out on, where his hands would wander her body. Her eyes landed on the staircase that led to the second floor, knowing his bedroom was the first door on the right. She could never forget that place...

"Watcha thinking about there?"

A firm grip was on her chin, tilting her head back to look at him. Kaiser couldn't help but smirk down on her, rubbing his thumb on her lip.

"Oh? You didn't have this the last time we saw each other...", he took in her piercing at full view, pressing down on it lightly, "Does it get in the way of kissing?"

Her bored expression never leaves, taking his wrist in her hand to pry it off her face, "Reo's never complained about it–"

"Who? Oh, you're 'boyfriend', right....", Kaiser dismisses her words, touching the one on her cheekbone now, "You didn't have this one either... My... you've certainly grown into a mature woman..."

"I didn't come here so you could touch me how you please", she stops whatever strange conversation they had going on, "I'm here to tell you something... Well more like ask"

Kaiser's curiosity is at its peak, striding over to the kitchen table to pull a chair out for her. Despite the disgust she feels that she's sitting in his house, she brushes it aside as she takes the chair he pulled for her. Kaiser takes a seat across from her, giving her that same smile that made her blood boil.

"Well then? What is it you wanted to talk about?"

Wasting no time, Kaede takes a deep breath, clasping her hands together on the table.

"Back then... Why... Why did you lie to me?"
"Don't play dumb"

Those crimson eyes of hers always did scare him. There were times in their previous relationship that he couldn't even look at her, completely terrified to even look her in the eyes at times. It was one of those times again, sending chills down his spine.

He was a good faker though, smiling pleasantly at her question, "I don't know what you mean~ When did I lie to you?"

She hisses, her words coming out sharper than usual, "It was more than one time.... Three times to be exact..."

my boyfriend? (nagi seishiro x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz