The sky-high price of the king's husband 【2】

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The sky-high price of the king (2)

  "Bai Luo, did you remember the past?"

  Bai Luo recalled his memory, but it was blank, so he shook his head, "No, I don't remember anything."

  Why did he If he says he doesn't remember, will Jimo Ge secretly breathe a sigh of relief? Sure enough, he was lying to himself.

  Jimo Ge ordered people to move the barrels and water outside, and asked Bai Luo, "Do you want to take a bath?"

  He was the one who wiped Bai Luo's body when Bai Luo was unconscious. He couldn't stand others touching Bai Luo when he knew about it. , but now that Bai Luo is awake, he doesn't dare to make Bai Luo angry.

  Bai Luo had wanted to take a bath for a long time. When he heard Jimo Ge's question, he immediately stretched out his hand and motioned for Jimo Ge to take him to take a bath.

  After waiting for a long time, Jimo Ge just stood there and looked at him blankly. Bai Luo frowned, this man must be stupid.

  "Why are you dazed? Don't you want to give me a bath?"

  What is a bath? Jimo Ge didn't have time to think. When he saw Bai Luo frowning, he hurriedly walked over and hugged Bai Luo. Bai Luo took advantage of the situation and put his arms around Jimo Ge's neck.

  Realizing that Jimo Ge who was holding him was stiff, Bai Luo asked, "Am I heavy?"

  "Not heavy, not heavy," Jimo Ge didn't want to give Bai Luo the impression that he was weak, and he didn't know how to tell Bai Luo. , He is very powerful in martial arts, he can easily use those huge rocks and heavy swords and spears, but he has a clumsy mouth, and he couldn't explain it for a long time.

  After a few steps, he walked to the outside. Everything was placed neatly. Jimo Ge couldn't figure out what Bai Luo was thinking, and he wasn't sure what to do next.

  Bai Luo untied his belt, but it was not convenient to take off his clothes in Jimo Ge's arms, not to mention that he couldn't take off his pants by himself.

  "Take off your clothes for me."

  Jimo Ge swallowed unconsciously, sat on a stool nearby, put Bai Luo on his lap, and took off Bai Luo's clothes, revealing his porcelain-white jade skin, and There was a bright spot on the chest. Jimo Ge quickly moved his eyes to Bai Luo's face, not squinting, fearing that Bai Luo would be angry.

  After taking off his shirt, Jimo Ge became silent. Bai Luo sighed helplessly. He, the prince, must be a big fool. He only does one thing when told. How should he take a shower while wearing pants?

  Seeing Jimo Ge's wandering look, Bai Luo pushed Jimo Ge's arm tiredly, "You haven't taken off your pants yet."

  Jimo Ge's whole body started to smoke, and his hands were trembling slightly. , slowly pulled down Bai Luo's pants. If he didn't have extra hands, he would have pinched himself, wondering if he was having a dirty dream again.

  Jimo Ge hugged the naked Bai Luo and put him in a wooden barrel. There was a crossbar in the barrel where he could sit comfortably and take a bath.

  After soaking in the warm water, Bai Luo sighed comfortably. Looking at the things placed next to him, his brows jumped. He didn't know how to use them.

  Bai Luo no longer had any hope in his silly prince's eyesight, so he said, "Help me take a bath."

  Jimo Ge almost doubted his own ears. He picked up the cloth and soap locust next to him and wiped Bai Luo's face. Chest.

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