Very good, Goujia is no longer a human being. It is indeed a hidden mission, so hidden that no one can receive the mission.

Tsuruto doesn't believe in evil. Since he can't break through from Ogai Mori to receive the mission, he can approach him from the people around him. So Heli knocked out a certain unlucky port employee, put on new equipment, and disguised himself as a port employee. Without changing his expression, he communicated with several cadres of the port mafia and forced a conversation with them. The hard-core one was just to trigger Mori Ou. Hidden tasks outside.

As a result, the hidden mission was not triggered, but she was transformed into a real port employee. She worked under many cadres and managed the job to the point where she was just shy of becoming Mori Ogai's secretary.

Then trigger the hidden achievement "Passenger King".


Good guy, do these NPCs only care about their faces?

She was about to try again, when a new test notification popped up on the game interface: Congratulations, reviewer, you have been selected to participate in the in-depth test of this game company.

Immediately, two options were given under the notification: "I want to participate" and "How could I not participate?"

"You have to participate regardless of whether you are together, right?" Heli twitched the corner of his mouth, but still agreed to participate.

The next second, the game interface of "Bungou's End" changed instantly, showing a page with a large amount of code similar to automatic programming. After the code was completed, the normal interface returned, and what followed was the eye-catching "face pinching system" option.

Heli clicked in without hesitation. The system first required players to read a large number of commitment letters and check the box, promising to read the above content and agree to participate in the test before they can continue the game.

Faced with this situation, Heli skillfully dragged the page to the end and checked it without even looking at it.

Then there is the real-name authentication process. After Heli put in the screenshot of his ID card, he turned on the computer camera and took a picture of his face. After passing it, he successfully entered the face-squeezing stage.

The interface of the face-pinching system is not much different from the previous face-pinching process, except that it adds the character's personality, abilities and personal experience, which can make the character's personality more full and three-dimensional.

After a period of thinking, she thought about the "emotional richness" of game NPCs. With the thought of finding it interesting and wanting to watch a show, she directly used the models of official popular NPCs to magically modify the vests of two characters.

When it comes to the character’s own experiences, the more you let yourself go, the better!

After the creation is successful, a white text on a black background is displayed on the screen -

he/she is you, and you are him/her.

After the font was gradually covered up like splashed ink, a box popped up on the screen, asking Heri to write down the future script of the character clearly in order to develop a more immersive game experience. At the end, a reminder was given: The company will perform the interpretation based on the script. completeness, consider adding this route to the game.

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