Deal making

211 12 17

TW: Sexual references 
Jane's POV

"Well I'll see you there." I say happily as Chase hangs up the phone. "JULIO GET THE NICE TABLE CLOTH OUT NOW!"

Chases POV

"Charlie." I whine.

"No Chase I'm sorry but as much as I love you being expressive, it's a no." Charlie says. "Let's rekindle our relationship with mum then you can wear makeup."m

"Fine." I whine. "But on one condition."

"What?" Charlie asks.

"You let me sleepover at Isaac's next weekend." I smile.

"Fine but are his parents home?" He asks. "Be honest.

"No." I say looking at the floor.

"Ok fine BUT you'll be taking something with you." He laughs.

"Oh no." I say.

He makes me close my eyes and he then puts something away ready to put in my bag when I'm leaving next weekend.

"Ok now go do your routine so you look spectaculaarr." He says with a French accent at the end for "extra effect."

I walk upstairs and go start my routine while FaceTiming Issac who is getting ready for soccer practice.

Charlie's POV

How am I going to make it through tonight? I'll have Nick obviously but, she can be the worst and I don't want Chase to have to deal with that and I know that she has been okay with him lately that's what happened to me and if she knows he's wearing makeup it could send their relationship don't a rabbit hole just like ours and then the family with break up and everyone will nev-.

"Hey char you okay." Nick says warmly moving his hand to mine.

"Yeah." I lie. "No."

"What's up sweetie?" Nick asks.

"I'm worried about mum I think if she knows Chase wears makeup she'll flip and I don't want the family to be broken up again because I do miss dad."

"Hey that's not going to happen." Nick says. "Is he wearing it tonight."

"No but he made a deal with me."

"What was the deal." Nick says looking intrigued.

"He has a sleepover at Isaac's next weekend."

"What's the catch?" Nick asks.

"No parents."

"Mmm nope." He says.

"I have everything ready." I say.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"That, I have condoms in his bag with the instructions and maybe some lube just in case." I say.

"CHASE!" Nick screams.

"Yess?" Chase asks.

"DONT WORRRY ABOUT IT." I say. "I know Chase is very important to you but we have to let him spread his wings like you said and if he's gonna have his "first time" he should have it with someone he trusts like Isaac."


"Thank you sweetie." I say kissing his lips.

"But." He says.

I give him a look of don't you dare.

"If we get a night off." He says.


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