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Chases POV

My alarm sounds and I start to wake up. I know it's going to be a shitty day already.

Last night I told Isaac I wasn't going to school because my mental health was getting worse but today I feel I could go but it will be hard. At least I'll have Isaac with me.

I gather myself and pull my uniform on and get myself ready for the day.

"Charlie can you drive me to school?" I ask Charlie.

"Yeah sure let's go." He says grabbing his keys.

Charlie drives me to school and I tell him to drop me a little before school, I want to surprise Isaac.

When I walk into school I look around for Isaac. He's not in our normal spot, he's nowhere.

I turn the corner and a familiar voice is mid sentence.

"Yeah he's not coming today."

I stay around the corner because as much as I trust him I want to know if he'll say anything bad.

"No he's an amazing person just." He stutters.

"Just what?" Someone says.

"Clingy." He says a tone of self disappointment.

My heart falls at the thought of him bad mouthing me to his friends. I step out from the corner teary eyed, I'm shaking at this point and I can't hear anything.

Isaac stands up grabs his bag and starts to walk towards me. He's saying something but I can't hear.

I spin on the spot and almost run away.

"Chase stop!" He calls.

I can't stop.

My phone almost flies into my hand as I grab it from my pocket.


My phone falls onto the floor and by the time I grab it Isaac is standing in front of me.

"How could you." I say almost in tears. "I can't believe you would say that about me behind my back."

"Chase-." He sighs.

"No Isaac." I say anger boiling inside me. "You said that I heard it all."

"You would be mad if you did."

"Then what didn't I hear."

"You didn't hear how I said I liked clingy and how I told them we were dating and I loved you." Isaac says.

Boys walking past give dirty looks and one even calls us a "zest fest."

One boy even starts laughing.

"Oi mate shut it." Isaac says.

Boys stop looking and keep walking.

Maybe he did say that. But he still betrayed me, did he?

"Come we can go back to mine." He says. "I'll explain everything and I promise I'll make it up to you."

That anger comes back. ILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU! I hope he knows sex doesn't fix everything.

I roll my eyes and walk past him. I can stop myself from looking back. He's standing there, like a statue. A silent tear forming in his eye.

As I'm leaving the gates I know he's behind me. He's desperate and to be honest I feel really bad but I know he didn't have horrible intentions. Why am I doing this? Why do I have to be so stubborn.

Maybe I'll hear him out.

I turn around and wait for him to catch up to me.

"How are you going to make it up to me?" I ask.

"I'll take you out, to the beach I'll tell my parents that I'm skipping with you because you are having a bad mental health day which I know you are and Nick and Charlie will understand." He says almost pleading.

The thought counts, so really I'll take him up on it.

"Fine." I say. "We can go."

"Thank you I promise I'll make it up to you every way I can." Isaac says.

I've seen those videos were it says. "When you try to stay mad at him but you can't." I always thought they were stupid but I was wrong. I really can't stay mad at him.

"Let's go." He says almost wrenching me towards the gates.

When we get closer to the gates we see that, Mr Abraham is standing at the front of the gates. Every school has that one homophobic teacher or more but in every gay persons opinion at Truman, this guy is the worst. We walk out of the gates, me horribly attempting to act straight and Isaac walking normally.

"We're are you boys going." He snarls.

"Home?" Isaac says a splinter of attitude.


"We actually don't have to tell you." I say. "As long as we have permission which we do we can leave."

"We're is that permission then?" He asks.

Isaac pulls out his phone and I know what he's doing. He shows Mr Abraham the screen and I know the message.


You can come home with Chase today but this is one of the last times you've skipped too many school days.


Thanks mum we're leaving now see you soon.

Isaac pulls the phone away and puts it back into his pocket and although Mr Abraham doesn't want to do it he lets us go.

We walk further and further away from Truham and we end up going back to my house.

Charlie's car is home. Shit.

"How are we going to explain?" I ask.

"Don't worry." Isaac says. "I'll explain, you go get ready "so I'll talk to Charlie."

I unlock the door and we walk inside. Charlie is standing in the kitchen and on our arrival his eyes fling up and as he realises it's us he fixes his posture and asks. "What are you doing here?"

Isaac gives me a little nod and reluctantly I go upstairs. I don't know what Isaac's going to use as an excuse but I hope it's good.

Isaac's POV

I need to tell Charlie what I did but I'm scared he will get mad or something.

"So?" He asks.

I walk closer towards him.

"At school some of my friends were asking me about Chase and they were giving me a look of if I don't say something bad I'm gay, or at-least that's what I thought so I called him clingy even though I like that Chase is a little clingy." I start. "And Chase was there right st the moment I said that and didn't hear anything else so I felt really bad and gathered my stuff and I really want it make it up to him and take him out on a day out to make it up because I do love Chase it's that I made a stupid decision."

Charlie nods and explains that he'll ring my parents and tell them that we're here and Chase is here and he'll connect my life 360 to another phone so it matches up.

Chase comes down and I run up and get some clothes I had in chases closet that he's probably "borrowed" from me.

Time to take chase out and make it up to him because I did a dumb thing.

Authors Note:
Hey everyone! I hope you guys have had an amazing week! I just finished with tests and exams and assignments so I only have two more left and then I'm free other than homework so I am going to try and make sure that I update a lot more frequently. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Bye everyone have an amazing week!

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