"Does this classify as skipping school?"

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TW: Slurs, mentions of suicide.
Isaac's POV

"Have fun guys!" Charlie calls as we leave the house.

We walk a little further towards a near bus stop and wait till the bus for the train station comes. When we climb on one person is on the bus. A kind old lady with her little bag, we sit at the front of the bus until the stations comes into site where we both stand up.

As we leave the bud the overwhelming sensation of hot chips and fish floods our senses.

"Want to get some food?" I ask Chase.

"I'm not really hungry." He says tonelessly.

I know Chase is really mad at me even though I really don't want him to be. He has a good reason but I do love him and I trust him even though I broke his trust.

"Hey Chase?" I say.

"Mhm." He says.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" I say.

"Sure, it's not like anyone else would." He says a hint of anger.

I sit at a table with him and get ready to prepare myself to be broken up with.

"I'm really sorry about what I said." I say.

Chases eyes widen as if he's surprised.

"It was wrong of me to be that unkind behind your back, I was being a complete dick and I had no right to even out both of us in front of basically the whole school." I confess.

Chase eyes come back into a more rational and what I think is a sympathetic way.

"Isaac." He sighs. "I know your sorry and I know you didn't want to hurt me and I know that, but it just hurts knowing you said that about me."

"I know, I'm so sorry." I say my eyes tearing at the thought of hurting Chase.

I know it sounds cringy but, I really don't want to hurt Chase. I love him. Most people say that I don't know what love is because I'm fifteen know and Chase is fifteen also but I do. Chase is my definition of love. He's always forgiving and kind, he never fails to make anyone smile and he's always positive and optimistic. He's the one person I trust with my whole heart and he's the one person I would kill for and make sure that no one will ever hurt him because he is too perfect for this world. God I sound like an overprotective boyfriend. Aren't I an overprotective boyfriend? But.

He's my definition of affection and love.

"Isaac it's okay." Chase says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah." Chase says a warm smile pouring onto his beautiful face.

Somehow between me admiring Chase and me thinking about him our lips press against each other and now I'm consumed in happiness and sparks of butterfly's. This kiss almost signifies that we both love each other and he forgives me, hopefully.

When we pull away my heart flutters at the site of his face in the sun.

"Wanna go to the beach it's not far?" Chase asks.

"Yeah." I say happily.

We get up and start to walk over towards the area of where the beach is. The sun is warm and grazes our faces tenderly.

The beach starts to near as we walk hand in hand, I love Chase and I know he does to but even walking hand in hand together in broad daylight still scares me. I'm not even out to anyone yet and now I've just gone and outed both of us. I know I can suppress it but I don't know if I can stop it.

I don't know how I'm going to keep Chase happy if some low life's can't even stop themselves from bullying people.

We arrive at the beach and sit down on the warm sand.

My hands gravitate towards his own hands. When our hands grow closer I feel this wave of sadness. Our hands interlock, but I'm not happy. I actually feel like crying.

Chases POV

I think everything's okay now. I'm not mad at Isaac anymore, I'm more grateful for him.


I look over to Isaac and I can see tears pouring down his face. Isaac isn't one to cry out of the blue for no absolute reason.

"What's wrong mi amor?" I ask him.

"I don't know." He says.

"Okay." I say. "Think of anything that I could be and tell me and then we'll narrow it down to what we think it is."

Although I think I know what it is.

"Well." He sniffs starting to think. "It could be today, coming out to mum and dad, everyone at school knowing we're dating, our relationship nearly broke because of me or I don't know why I'm sad and crying."

I know Isaac feels horrible about something because he's never one to not just cry and all these things are hard to process and hold by yourself and they all are piling on his shoulders and weighing on his mind.

"Well it's okay to feel those things and in those ways Isaac." I smile.

"Yeah I guess." Isaac sighs.

The day is nice. Even though we'll probably be killed when we get home. I'll enjoy this now.

"FAGS!" A guys yells.

Isaac's eyes spark and he swings around. I follow suite. A middle aged man wearing a cross is standing on the pavement.

Isaac stands up.

"Isaac don't." I say to him.

Isaac's POV

Do I fight this guy? Do I leave him alone and sit back down with Chase or do I run as far as I can. The man continues to yell and it's coming more apparent to me I could dig his face into the ground.

"Isaac don't." Chase whispers.

Instantly I sit down back with Chase.


Chase stands up and starts to walk over, if Chase was in a cartoon steams would be exploding out of his ears at this point.

I scramble myself together and chase after Chase.

"Chase it's not worth it let's just go home." I say.

Chase and I then turn around and leave this guy and walk towards the bus stop.

We can hear him in the background screaming inaudible things.

We get to the bus stop and go home.

We arrive at Chases house and just chill for the rest of the day till three o'clock where I need to go home and act like I went to school.

"Does this classify as skipping school?" I ask Chase as I leave his house.

"No cause we didn't go to school when it started." He laughs.

"Bye I'll see you tomorrow." I say.

"Bye." He says pulling me into a kiss.

"Oh my god control yourselves." Charlie laughs.

I leave the house and when I get home mum and dad are waiting for me with furious faces.

Authors Note:
Hi everyone! I hope you guys have had an amazing few days and are doing well. Sorry for the delay on this chapter it only came to mind about 2 days ago and I've been trying to scramble it together. Have an amazing week everyone! Bye.

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