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Chases POV

I went on a walk to clear my mind, I was just listening to a Spotify playlist when the kids starting yelling at me calling me slurs and all. I started to speed up hoping they would lay off but they've started chasing me and I've lost track of we're I am.

The street lights just illuminate my surroundings. Cars roll by but pay not care to three guys chasing a another guy. I keep running, my legs aching with every step. I can't stop now I have to keep going.

A car stops in front of me and a guy climbs out.

He looks similar but I can't place who he is.

"OI FUCK OFF BEFORE I BEAT YOUR ASSES" The guy screams at the guys behind me.

I turn around and see them cowering backwards and turning around to run. Pussies.

"You right mate?" He asks.

"Yeah, I know you somehow" I say.

"Yeahhh I gave your brother a lot of shit during school" he says putting his hand through his hair.

"Harry green?" I ask.

"Yes I am, let's go hop in I'll take you home"

I climb into the car cautiously.

Charlie told me about Harry and what he had said to Charlie during the time they were at school and some of the things are absolutely horrid but maybe he's changed. Maybe.

He drives me home and walks me to the door.

I knock on the door. No answer. I knock again. No answer.

I pull out my phone and call Charlie.

"Are you okay we're are you?" Charlie asks.

"I'm at home Harrison from your school sorta saved me from those kids"

"We're coming home now" Charlie says blankly.

I look at Harry. He looks concerned.

Charlie and Nick pull up into the driveway.

Charlie climbs out and walks towards us.

His face is enraged. "What are you doing here?" Charlie growls.

"Dropping off chase who somehow nearly got bashed by three kids" Harry says.

"Well you've finished dropping him off, leave" Charlie growls.

"Fine then" Harry says gathering himself and leaving.

His car leaves and I turn to Charlie infuriated.


"Chase" Charlie sighs. "He's not who you think he is"

"I can make my own judgments, I don't care if he said some shitty stuff during high school, that was so long ago" I say. "You always tell me not to hold grudges, maybe take your own advice"

Charlie's eyes look at me, but I know he doesn't see me, he's lost in thought. Why did I have to do this? Why do I have to always ruin things? I'm such a horrible person.

I turn around and start to walk away. My eyes start to accumulate tears and then just... let go. I wish I could let go. I wish I could let go of everything and just not exist. Only I could wish. I could.. no I'm not going to kill myself. I wish I could escape this horrible place, this shitty town, my shitty self.

Three figures turn around the corner as I walk down the street. I spin back on the spot and start to run. I can hear feet trampling behind me. I make it to the door and start to pound on it. I hope Charlie isn't mad and doesn't open the door.


The door pulls open. I fall through. The three figures stand at the end of the driveway, knives in hand.

Nick steps outside. And starts to scream. "PISS OFF BEFORE I TAKE THREE OF YOU ON AND HAVE TO BURY THREE BODIES"

"FUCK OFF MATE" one screams.

Nick steps closer to them.

"Nick don't come inside they have knives and definitely tasers" I plead.

Nick steps back. "Come back here again and I'll have a lot of people ready"

The three figures leave.

I gather myself and stand up. I rush to my room. As I enter my body gives way. Tears flood my eyes, my legs give way and my eyes blur from the tears.

I'm laying in my room crying, how pathetic. I'm so stupid. I'm so annoying.

I don't even know why I'm crying. Actually I do know but I just can't believe Charlie yelled at Harry who in a way saved me.

A knock comes from the door.

I scramble up, grab my phone and pretend I'm looking at my phone.

"Come in" I sniffle.

Nick walks through.

"Hey you okay?" Nick asks.

"Yeah I'm fine" I lie.

"I know you aren't" Nick says.

I know he knows I'm not doing well and I'm not gonna tell him even though he'll make me someway.

"I am" I say stubbornly.

"Please don't lie to me" Nick pleads.

"Fine it's just." I say.

Nick doesn't say anything but he knows this will be hard for me to say, so he comes over to my bed and sits next to me.

"It's just everything that happened today and I feel like you guys are leaving me in the dark, I hear you guys crying with each other but you never let me help you"

"Chase" Nick says. "It's not that we don't let you help us it's that we... deal with it together"

His words hit me like a wall. My body freezes. I don't why I do this it's ethically okay do deal with something between you and your partner but it just.... Hurts.

Nick knows what he said has hurt me but he knows there's nothing else to say.

"Just message if there's anything you need" he says before leaving.

He closes the door. I instantly grab my phone. I put Spotify on and turn on a random playlist. My Own Person by Ezra Williams plays. I don't need this song right now. I try to skip the song but I have reached my skip limit.

The song continues to play. I relate to the song but for some reason I feel. Happy to listen to this song, I normally find comfort in cave town songs but this song makes me feel... peace.

My phone buzzes. I could look at it or not. I should probably look who it is.


Isaac: Hey how was your day?

Chase: yeah good how was yours?

Isaac: not bad, do you mind if I come over rn?

Chase: absolutely come over rn I need someone to talk to

Isaac: coming now. Are you okay?

His message strikes me. I don't know the answer, am I okay? I am right? I think I am? Maybe I'm not.

A knock comes from the door about twenty minutes later. Charlie steps inside. "Isaac's here"

"Thanks Charlie" I say getting up and walking past him.

Authors Note:
Hi everyone! I'm really sorry about the late posting but I've really been struggling with a lot of things lately so I might not be updating regularly and I'm so so sorry but I just don't think I have the capacity to do this to my full capacity. Sorry to disappoint but hope you guys have an amazing week!

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