Going home?

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Chases POV

"Chase? Its time to wake up?" Someone whispers.

I groan as I fling the blanket off my bed and start to sit up, I see Charlie's face, we both know today is the day I go home.

"Do you want me to start packing?" I say.

"Yeah" Charlie's sighs.

As kids when Charlie would go on camps or excursions overnight it was really hard for us to leave each other and even to this day it still is a little bit hard.

I get up and start to fold my clothes. I don't want to leave but I know I have to, Charlie and Nick aren't my legal parents so I can't live at their house for a long period of time.

"Hey, Chase?" Charlie says in a low tone.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Are you ready to leave?"

"No but if I stay at your house for any longer you can go to jail so I have to be ready... also Charlie don't worry about me if I need your help or something I'll come over or call you" I rant.

"Ok, are you sure?" Charlie asks.

"Yes I am, I am absolutely sure" I say.

"Soooooooooo...... how'd you and Isaac go" Charlie smiles.

"None of your business" I laugh.

"Ok but we saw you two on the couch" Charlie says.

He starts to sing. "Chase and Isaac are in looove in loooove"

I laugh but the ache in my heart grows as I pack my bags. The only thing that I can do.. is nothing, I can't do anything to make my times here longer. I'm going to miss Charlie so much but I know I'm always welcome here.

As I put my last shirt into my bag my heart hurts, I can't take it anymore, I can't, I can't, I can't do it. My eyes dart around for anything sharp. My breaths are shallow and faster than light.

"Chase?" Asks Nick.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"You alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine" I say.

My breaths slow down and I become less frantic.

I pick up my bag and start to walk downstairs. When I reach the end I can see my mother standing at the door, Nick is holding Charlie's hand.

"What do you want?" I snarl.

"To pick you up because you ran away" my mother says.

"You aren't my mother and you aren't my family I've read the laws and I can live with Charlie and Nick if I have valid reason and that valid reason is my mental health"

"What?" She says. "You don't have mental health.. your just a suke"

"He is not" Charlie growls.

Nick grasps Charlie's hand and he starts to cool down.

"Let's go" she says. "Olivers waiting for you to a baby sit him your father and I are going out for dinner"

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