Sibling + Partner Picnic 2

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Isaac's POV

"It's just these kids are so disgusting to me and other people who are gay and they don't even think about it" Chase explains

"They ever fucking think how it affects someone and then you had to step in while I sat there and was a complete coward" Chase rants.

"You aren't a cowards Chase, you are completely fine to not retaliate to their comments" I say.

"But then you had to and their your friends" Chase cry's.

"Not anymore Chase, I love you way more than someone who doesn't even make me smile"

Chase doesn't speak he only lets out little sobs. His head falls onto my shoulder.

"It's okay I promise, I don't care for them and would fight anyone for you other than someone a hundred times bigger than me" I say.

Chase laughs. It's a genuine laugh which is nice because I haven't heard it in a while.

"Wanna head back to the picnic?" I ask.

"Soon I want more time with you" Chase whispers.

"Ok" I smile.

Tori's POV

Wow I'm actually surprised. I didn't expect Isaac to be that good of a boyfriend, I know Charlie would've not let him stay if he wasn't but that's like Nick level.

I think I'll like Isaac, might take me a little considering it's my younger brother but that's fine.

"Sooo do you guys like Isaac?" I ask.

"Yeah" Nick says. "He's almost like me it's uncanny"

"Yeah" Charlie sighs. "It's a little weird how quickly they got together but they are a good couple"

"Have they come out yet?" I ask.

"I don't know they don't tell us much about school except they haven't told their friends so probably not"

I look over to where they left and can see them coming back. Chase is smiling and Isaac is saying something that's making Chase happy.

They sit down. "What's got you two so happy?"

"We saw ducks jumping of rocks" Chase laughs.

Somehow I don't believe that even though it's most likely still a lie.

"Ok well do we wanna eat?" I ask.

Everyone agrees and I pull out some biscuits I bought on the way here. I needed it to be easy for Charlie to eat. Charlie has a few and starts to talks to Micheal about his job asking him all sorts of questions. Chase and Isaac talk a little bit mostly Chase and Isaac aren't talking at all.

"How's school going chase?" I ask take a bite of my biscuit.

"Yeah good nothing really interesting is happening since it's only school but it's not bad."

"Are you playing any sports?" I ask. "Doing anything interesting?"

"No but we are planning on going on a holiday with Isaac's family." Chase reply's happily.

"We're are you guys going?" I inquire.

"Their thinking of going to Australia at like Tawoon bay" Isaac reply's.

"We'll have a cabin with Isaac's sister and her boyfriend and then the rest of the family will be together." Chase says.

"Mhm mhm" I say.

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