I'm sorry Nick

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Mention of SH
Nicks POV

My phone ring's. I look over to see who's calling me as I run around the block, I eagerly look at my phone. Charlie's calling me? I answer.

"Hi Cha-" I say before being cut off.

"Nick I'm so sorry" he weeps in between sobs.

"What's wrong" I ask now worried.

"I tried not to bu-" he cry's.

"Charlie I'm coming now just wait ok" I say as I rush towards our house .

"Ok" he stutters.

As I run to the house completely shaken that Charlie has called me in tears and I don't know why he has. I make it to our house. No one's home except Charlie. I knock on the door. Charlie opens the door clutching his wrist, his cheeks wet and his eyes bloodshot. 

"Charlie what happened" I say.

" I tried not to, I really did but I couldnt stop I'm so sorry" he weeps.

I pull him into a hug, a compassionate hug as he cry's into my chest. A few minutes later we go back into our house and we go into our bedroom.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I say as I bandage his wrist.

"Yeah sort of" he says

"It's just. So hard to get through things I don't know what to do everything is stressing me out now even if Ben or Harry walks by me I stress and tense up like I'm scared. I feel like it's all coming back again but even worse. I feel like you don't love me anymore and you hate me even though you don't I have this voice saying that you do I'm so scared and I feel helpless and doing this is like a horrible coping mechanism for me and I hate it I fucking hate it" he exclaims.

He is now crying again and is looking at me terrified, I'm speechless, I pull him into a kiss and tell him.

"It's alright I'm here for you and I love you so much I wouldn't have any other partner at all because your perfect" I say reassuringly.

"That is one of the cringiest things you've ever said" Charlie laughs.

"Hey!" I exclaim "It wasn't it was like a poem of love". I say pulling him into a loving and caring kiss.

"Mario kart?" he suggests.

"Of course, there is no day I'll ever say no I to Mario kart with you" I whisper .

"Really?" He says.

"Promise, my love" I say.

"Promise my love" he mocks.

He's now laughing his face turns red and I can't help my self but also join his fits of laughter as I look at him in his eyes lovingly hoping we will be alright.

"Come on, I never win" I complain.

"That's because I'm sooooo good at Mario kart" Charlie says as he wins the tenth game in an row.

"You need to teach me" I whimper.

"A good player like me never tells their tricks" he exclaims "at-least your good at rugby"

"Yeah but that's was in high school your good at work and gaming it's just not fair for everyone else they don't get a perfect boyfriend like you" I say

"I know I know you can applause me" he says

I clap for about ten seconds before he says.

"I'm hungry, want some leftover pizza!"

"Ummmm yes when wouldn't I not want pizza" I say happy he wants food, normally after relapsing he doesn't want to eat or is anxious but I'm really happy he does want to eat.

"Cmon let's go heat it up" he says

He gets up and heads downstairs for the kitchen, I follow him closely. We eat and spend the rest of the day watching Netflix and flicking through social media by eight o'clock we head to bed, I lay thinking about the amazing Sunday I've just had with Charlie.

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